Example sentences of "[adv] i [vb base] [vb pp] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 so I 've put that away , I , it ai n't even in my account , Alan 's got that and I said to Alan if I pass this test I shall buy a banger , five hundred quid with this tax money and then put the odd to insurance , if I do n't I 'll leave it where it is , because I , I mean little one will want a holiday and that anyway so I 've kept it for that , but that 's what I intend to do , so I said to Alan if I get a little banger just enough to get me to Tettering and back I was gon na go tech , to do some courses
2 So I do n't think I 've ever I 've had it for about eight months now and I do n't think I 've yet listened to all five in a row without changing it .
3 Because no told me , because like I 've known her for all my life .
4 So erm now I 've talked you for so long that I 've not got time to play this bit about the werewolves at Retford you see
5 Well I 've seen 'em for a hundred now actually , a hundred quid .
6 Well I 've had one for Basingfield or Basingfield
7 There 's the background there I 've met you for for ten minutes .
8 Right there I 've checked it for you .
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