Example sentences of "[adv] for [art] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not as she thought right for a person 's end ,
2 In explaining how he managed to escape active military service during the war by signing on for an officers ' programme , Mr Clinton apparently omitted to mention that he had already received his call-up notice when he sought to join the Reserve Officers ' Training Corps .
3 In homes across the States millions of Americans were switching on for an evening 's viewing .
4 ‘ He 's in there and you 're out here , carrying on for the children 's sake .
5 At the end of the flat portion there was a gap big enough for a man 's body to drop through , and then a single rung like a short parallel bar in a gym .
6 ‘ Aye , there are pearls in these waters — enough for a king 's ransom .
7 With a top capacity of some 75 litres it 's large enough for a week 's backpacking , or even extended expedition use , although I do have some doubts as to whether it could stand up to the rigours of expedition life .
8 You said thank you very much for the duck 's egg .
9 So much for the Opposition 's promise that no one earning under £20,000 a year would be hit .
10 Equity markets recoiled from these gloomy indicators by falling sharply at the beginning of the week , pausing only for the Chancellor 's speech at the Tory Party conference , but still failing to recover lost ground by the close .
11 I should have been very glad of your society this last year , Maureen has been at the Royal College of Music , and I have been much alone , only for the animal 's company I do n't know what I should have done and poor Mr. Papworth [ a dog ] has been so ill we had to telephone a vet up at 2 a.m. one morning it was a funny night , Jack and I in our dressing gowns in the kitchen trying to comfort Mr. Papworth .
12 The company is responsible not only for the meters ' manufacture , but also their installation and commissioning — and the decommissioning of the old Spectra-Tek equipment .
13 ‘ Margaret , ’ I coaxed , ‘ say yes , if only for the General 's sake .
14 R. E. Kaske puts it extremely neatly by claiming only for the Miller 's Tale an " " implicit orientation " " towards " " a controlling set of [ moral and religious ] values " " creating a framework within which , ultimately , the actions within the tale and the actions of writing , telling and reading the tale , are to be evaluated .
15 The Inspirals settle down for a night 's kip on the 800 mile drive up to the moonlit coast to Seattle for tomorrow 's gig .
16 In the old days before the distracting influences of radio and television , the fixed routine of the adult inhabitants after the day 's work was done was to settle down for an evening 's knitting , a craft both men and women practised assiduously , on the outside galleries in summer and by candlelight in front of a peat fire in winter .
17 I picture you on a trip up to London , perhaps for a day 's work experience at the offices of some conglomerate .
18 Thanks to cosmetic ingenuity , the damage had been repaired sufficiently for the coroner 's jury to view the corpse when the inquest was held in the prison later that morning .
19 The grand master of ceremonies , Amir Aslan Afshar , was all for the Shah 's keeping or selling his personal plane .
20 PUPILS at a Middlesbrough school welcomed the Bishop of Whitby into their classrooms when he called in for a day 's visit .
21 Outside Israel , passengers can check in for a rival 's flight later and without so much hassle .
22 Send the form to your local social security office , and you 'll be sent claim form BW 1 to be completed in order to receive the book of orders to cash in for the widow 's allowance .
23 Two thousand people representing 86 teams from all over the world gathered together for a week 's fun , friendship and fraternity .
24 Increasingly , however , the professionals concerned are finding ways in which they can do their own jobs properly , while working together for the child 's benefit .
25 I was called in and told the show was too expensive and was stretching facilities far too greatly for a children 's programme . ’
26 All the way through school , my mum used to go away for a fortnight 's rest during the summer and I would go and stay in one of the various holiday homes for disabled children .
27 Artemis 's father was away for a week 's sport in Leicestershire , and apparently it was expected of Artemis that she should be ready and able to go out and ride her new horse side-saddle alongside her father on his return .
28 Thus for the Women 's Group on Public Welfare , in their study of evacuation , Our Towns ( 1943 ) :
29 He discovered that all his desires were related to the need we all have for God himself — not just for a mother 's love or for some other intense childhood need .
30 They 're not showing theirs or using it for any other purpose just for the dog 's benefit .
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