Example sentences of "[adv] to [pron] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The top was of gleaming steel which Mrs Curdle rubbed up daily with emery paper , hissing gently to herself like a groom to a horse , as her busy hand slid back and forth across the satin of the surface .
2 Other birds we saw around Nesseby included dunlin , familiar enough to me as a breeding wader of the Shetland hills .
3 In Dennant v. Skinner ( 1948 K.B. ) the buyer had a van knocked down to him at an auction .
4 The connotations of this in the creation of manhood were made clear by Baden Powell , founder of the Scout movement , who observed that masturbation checks the semen from getting its full chance of making the strong , manly man : ‘ You are throwing away the seed that has been handed down to you as a trust instead of keeping it and ripening it for bringing a son to you later on . ’
5 The , if any of the ladies would like to go down to the village or anybody , the church is open and I think there 's somebody there who would welcome you to show you round the church down in the village which , I know , during the war years at different times , quite a lot of you chaps did attend and er so we do hope you will see and , and of course later on I hope you 'll be coming down to mine for a cup of tea .
6 just a few weeks before her death he had written fondly to her on a postcard from Florence ( where the Sadler 's Wells Ballet went for the Maggio Musicale festival ) that she ‘ would love it so .
7 But there was a part of her that still would n't give in to him without a fight .
8 I want you to send them in to me , and here 's where er it becomes a little bit different from other competitions , I want you to send them in to me on a Christmas card please .
9 Unlike the others , sleep did not come easily to her before a job .
10 You got right through to me in a way nobody has ever done before .
11 She explained that Lazaris came through to her via a medium who went into a trance , and had been helping her for the previous eight years .
12 Then Ted can work out a market price and phone it through to you in a day or so .
13 But mostly I imagined you asleep , left utterly to yourself in a situation where my own absence from your life did not matter :
14 ‘ Garry and Maeve intend to take their time in getting it over to him in a way he will understand , ’ said 72-year-old Luise , of Milton Keynes , Bucks , yesterday .
15 Why wo n't you come over to us for a week , or even for a night ? "
16 Get your x-rays done and they 'll send the results over to us in a week .
17 A BABY had lunch passed outside to her through a letterbox after bailiffs repossessed her family 's rented house .
18 Close to it at a March meeting in 1585 accusations of a theft of some Scottish spurs and counter-accusations of ‘ a pretended matter beforehand ’ began to fly to and fro , until without warning someone on the Scottish side shot and killed Russell .
19 He had not yet abandoned the idea of finding a woman who would commit herself totally to him as a life partner .
20 And it brought home to me with a rush something which had been slowly dawning on me ever since I joined the Air Force ; that I had been spoiled for quite a long time now .
21 In mounting dismay she peered into the gloom , the invidious nature of her position coming home to her with a vengeance .
22 Now , his security escort was dishing him up to her on a plate .
23 She walked up to them with a kind of swagger .
24 There was no sign of Madra , Riven noticed with a pang , and the beer was brought up to them by a serving maid he did not know .
25 He had recovered his composure , and faced up to me with a chill warmth .
26 In the next block a man I had never seen before rushed up to me with a jug .
27 A THEATRICAL lady doctor tripped up to me at a party in Covent Garden this week and told me she had phoned a film producer friend and asked how he was .
28 ‘ Just a minute , ’ wobbled the blue chins as he came looming up to me like an ocean liner in a fog .
29 Perhaps he thought that if he made a success of the concert party , word would get around amongst show business that here was someone to keep an eye on , and his big chance might come ; that someone important in the music world might come up to him with a contract in his hand and sign him up for the next ten years as a successor to Sir Malcolm Sargeant .
30 Claudia shivered ; her twin was n't alone in her fear , but Dana would n't be able to stand up to him for a moment .
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