Example sentences of "[adv] in the [num ord] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the two-tier pricing system allowed US domestic industry to purchase oil well below world market prices ( some 40 per cent below in the first half of 1979 ) .
2 Consequently , childbearing is concentrated within the first decade of married life ( 84 per cent of births within marriage in 1956–60 , 92 per cent in 1976 ) , and especially in the second half of the decade — 33 per cent of births occurred in the fifth to the ninth years of marriage in 1976 compared to 26 per cent in 1951–5 ( figure 4.11 ) .
3 But these gains were ultimately lost , especially in the second half of the century .
4 In 1800 , 90% of Americans lived in rural communities ; but with the growth of industry , especially in the second half of the century , towns and cities began to spread , and by 1920 over 50% of the population lived in them .
5 Consequently decreased mortality among all ages ( but especially in the first year of life ) , together with a long-term reduction in fertility , have combined to produce an ageing population structure .
6 Bridget Hill has remarked that what constituted marriage among the eighteenth-century lower orders was " anything but clearly defined " , especially in the first half of the century before the passing of Hardwicke 's Marriage Act .
7 This met with some opposition , for there were those who regarded music with suspicion because of its ‘ human ’ origins and its consequent unworthiness for the offering of pure worship , Nevertheless , hymns grew in favour in succeeding years and especially in the first part of the eighteenth century .
8 Investment in mainland China continued to grow , with US$540,000,000 flowing to Fujian province alone in the first quarter of 1990 .
9 I thought I might go ; perhaps in the first week of the holiday . ’
10 The landlord may wish to have some control over the external colour scheme , but the tenant should resist a provision for the landlord 's consent to the internal colour scheme , except perhaps in the last year of the term where the tenant does not propose to seek a renewal .
11 Perhaps in the last decade of this century something of a change in attitude to sculpture is becoming evident .
12 So in the second part of the letter ( from Col. 3:18 ff . )
13 So in the last half of February Fleischmann and Pons had a detector with which they could count neutrons .
14 Their total estimate is for 220,000 dwellings annually until 1991 ( and rather less in the last decade of the century ) .
15 The rest of the economy has been slower to cut investment mainly because the slowdown hit the service sector only in the second half of last year .
16 This is why , though the ideas were becoming common from the late eighteenth century , effective alternative and oppositional formations became common only in the second half of the nineteenth century and increased markedly towards the end of the century .
17 But it is only in the second half of 1908 that Picasso turned to a more concentrated study of Cézanne .
18 Morgenthau 's Realist theory was , as we have said , based on six principles , outlined in an introductory chapter added only in the second edition of the book ; this fact may explain why the six principles do not deal explicitly with two of the three concepts that are central to the remainder of the book , namely ‘ national interest ’ and the ‘ balance of power ’ .
19 Of the seventeen pieces in this collection , which survives complete only in the second edition of 1533 , no fewer than eight — only seven in the 1533 version — are by Philippe Verdelot ( d. c. 1540 ) , a Frenchman who lived in Italy from a very early age , two ( three in the second edition ) are by an Italian , Costanzo Festa ( C. 1495–1545 ) , one is by another Festa , Sebastiano , of whom we know nothing , one by a mysterious ‘ Maistre Jan ’ or Ihan who has only recently been identified as ‘ a French-born musician active at the court of Ferrara from 1512 to about 1543 ’ , and the remainder by still more shadowy characters .
20 The level of British farming declined sharply and it was only in the first decade of the twentieth century that it began to get on its feet again by shifting its emphasis to specialities like beef-fattening and vegetable-growing .
21 Certainly only in the next batch of cantos ( post-1930 ) , which began with extended excerpts from the founding fathers of the Republic , would the scale of magnitude of the poem become apparent , also its topicality and its Americanness .
22 Indeed , according to Booth , it is only in the last couple of years that it has focused on product marketing .
23 What , only in the last couple of days ?
24 I was reading an article only in the last couple of days where it was talking about not particularly tourism , it was talking about a business that was in difficulty , and it said , you know , do you actually make people redundant , you do you stop advertising and you know the bottom line is you 've got to keep advertising because if you do n't tell people you 're there nobody 's going to come and buy your product , whatever it is , and you 're going to disappear anyway .
25 Yet , only in the last half of the 20th century has a select band of some 200 people been able to call themselves astronauts — ‘ travellers in interplanetary space ’ .
26 It can also be said that , unlike Winckelmann , Hölderlin has some intuitive appreciation of the Greek spirit 's darker depths to which Nietzsche will later attach the name " flionysiac " — although Hölderlin gives them no such definition , and only in the last draft of his unfinished dramatic poem , The Death of Empedocles , do these depths receive a comparably urgent emphasis .
27 The Mechonoids appeared only in the last episode of ‘ The Chase ’ before they disappeared , never to be seen on Television again .
28 This example of evaluation is related to the parameters laid down in the first part of the chapter .
29 This demographic pattern was laid down in the first half of the century when the inter-war birth-rate declined markedly .
30 Something with four solid walls the wo n't blow down in the first puff of wolf 's breath .
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