Example sentences of "[adv] in [art] [det] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Bach flower remedies and the homoeopathic remedies complement each other and can be used together in the same treatment plan .
2 Robson confirmed last night that England 's friendly with the Republic of Ireland , due to be played in Dublin on March 28 , was now in doubt with the teams drawn together in the same World Cup group .
3 Well , not in the same way Joan is .
4 Root Package Password If the above root package is password protected from the specified user , then a password may need to be specified for the LIFESPAN modules to be accessed , if the specified user is not in the same user branch as the module manager or a special link does NOT exist between the two .
5 To get all the silly voices over in the same day Johnnie Walker will be presenting his morning programme on Radio 5 from there on Thursday .
6 At the airport planes of astonishingly different sizes — like children 's toys on different scales mixed up in the same game queue to use the runway for take-off .
7 c. ( or ca. ) about ( as in a date ) cf. compare with ed(s) editor(s) or edition(s) ff. following or onwards Ibid. in the same place MS(S) manuscript(s) op. ( loc. cit. (s) ) in the work(place) already cited passim throughout pp. pages q.v. which see ( as in a recommended work ) ser. series ( of journals ) v. volume
8 In the second century BCE Judas Maccabaeus led sorties into Idumaea in revenge for attacks on Jews , and later in the same century John Hyrcanus conquered the territory , and forced the Idumaeans to accept circumcision and obedience to the Jewish Law .
9 Later in the same letter Lupus 's warning had a plural object : " Fear not the potentes whom you yourself have made " .
10 It haunts the pages of Adam Carse 's The orchestra from Beethoven to Berlioz ( 1948 ) , which conjectured that up to 1810 at the Opera the chef would ‘ hammer out the beat for the choruses and dances audibly on the floor , a table , or a music desk ’ Later in the same book Carse modified his stance , but concluded ( wrongly , as we shall see ) that it was the first violin who determined the ‘ interpretation [ and ] artistic side of the rendering ’ .
11 Lane has argued that ‘ ruling class ’ interpretations of the Soviet Union are inappropriate because the holders of state power do not possess and inherit property but are rather in the same market position as other wage-earners .
12 Magic and medicine were often in the same melting pot .
13 The same sound may well be written with different symbols , even in the same language session or in the same word on different occasions .
14 Earlier in the same discussion Sockett ( 1980 ) argues that you can only hold the teacher accountable ‘ for what is within his control ’ .
15 The requirement for shareholder consent , either by resolution or , formally , by their consent to the delegation of final decision-making power to the board , maintains the surface integrity of the ownership model , though certainly at least in the latter case shareholder consent is more hypothetical than real .
16 But for la crème de la crème of ‘ softs ’ , as the trade calls linens and textiles , drive out to Freshford , where in a former hunting lodge Elizabeth Baer keeps her magpie collection , displayed in a linen room with that authentic ‘ air of pleasing decay ’ so admired by John Fowler ( of Colefax & ) .
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