Example sentences of "[adv] in [noun sg] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently in deference to The Builder 's comments , the submission date was extended and designs had to be inscribed with a motto and delivered to Westminster Hall on or before 20th March , 1857 .
2 Ministry seems to have grown up in a haphazard manner , basically in response to the need that various functions be performed .
3 However , the new register will include personal details , especially in relation to the benefit and discount systems .
4 While English tends to modify by use of adjectives or adverbs , BSL tends to use inflection especially in relation to the verb and it is this which makes its story formation rather different .
5 I refer to the decision in respect of roads and the environment and to the prospective legislation that will put railways into the same category , especially in relation to the channel link .
6 I am sure that my hon. Friend welcomes the steps taken by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food in the Agriculture Council on this matter , especially in relation to the export of live horses .
7 More recently , writers interested in social mobility ( the movement of individuals and groups up and down the social scale ) have studied rates of social mobility in different societies in an attempt to discover its causes , especially in relation to the process of industrialization .
8 Within this structure , the legislation would require an enhancement of the finance and personnel functions , and recognition of the increased responsibilities of College Administrative Officers , especially in relation to the servicing of the new Governing Bodies .
9 As far as Europe is concerned , it is hoped that variations in copyright laws can soon be harmonised , especially in respect to the introduction of the Single European market on January 1 1993 .
10 Schofield pointed out that failures to find are naturally in proportion to the number of successes — one man 's success being another 's failure .
11 The 1555 survey contains forty-six ( exclusive of men who were also freeholders ) , and it is reasonable to assume that something like thirty held land that was sublet in 1522 , an estimate that finds a measure of confirmation in the subsidy schedule which , perhaps in deference to the provision for the taxing of income from customary holdings , mentions the landed wealth of twenty-six men who were assessed on goods .
12 The Labour Party seemed to sense that it had gone too far in criticism of the police , perhaps in response to the far-left , middle-class activists of sociological inclination , and had been too tender towards violent criminals and other deviants .
13 Since at least the later 1970s , perhaps in reaction to the flamboyant ( and highly successful ) practices of the Munrow era , many critics writing in England have suspected that conspicuous and varied orchestrations of medieval and Renaissance music reflect performers ' failure of confidence in the variety and quality of the music they are performing .
14 Yeah I think on the North Sea , it obviously would have erm an effect on parts of our business , some parts more than others erm it 's very early to say exactly what , what effect it obviously in fact to the extent that it encourages the further development of existing fields that clearly benefits parts , parts of our business that are to do with completion equipment and development equipment .
15 Er , this is obviously in answer to the questionnaire , yes they have four hundred and fifty pound in the bank , and yes they do organize boxing tournaments for self-help .
16 Client will , whether or not the Offer is made , promptly reimburse KPMG for all costs and expenses reasonably and properly incurred by KPMG in the fulfilment of its services hereunder in relation to the Offer ( including legal expenses and the expenses of any Approved Broker and , subject to Client 's prior consent which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed , the fees and expenses of other advisers , agents and consultants retained by KPMG for KPMG 's own benefit in connection with the Offer ) and all matters preparatory or ancillary thereto ( including any value added tax if applicable ) .
17 So in contrast to the mediator , who fears and avoids conflict , the followers of Jesus are fully equipped to fight the good fight of faith .
18 An important general rule was in an Act passed in 1967 , which allowed arrest without a warrant for murder or for any other crime for which the jail sentence could be five years or more , but this was merely in addition to the motley of other provisions .
19 Grasses have a tendency to ‘ winter burn ’ more or less in proportion to the amount of herbage standing in a field at the onset of frosty weather .
20 The intention was that the mechanical properties would be thereby improved ; they were , but generally only in proportion to the increase in density , at the same time much of the toughness of wood was lost .
21 A second opinion was sought and , short-sightedly , my parents agreed to put me in those gorgeous National Health jobs which are now sported by your average Yuppie but which made you look second only in berkishness to the kid in the owl specs with Elastoplast all over one lens .
22 A second opinion was sought and , short-sightedly , my parents agreed to put me in those gorgeous National Health jobs which are now sported by your average Yuppie but which then made you look second only in berkishness to the kid in the owl specs with elastoplast all over one lens .
23 Champagne 's harvest must therefore reach a reasonable level of ripeness and as the ripening process , or véraison the French call it , increases the sugar content , the high degree of acidity necessary for these wines is important only in ratio to the sugar content .
24 Rich is personal expression and influence we mix pigment not only in response to the subject , but through our mood at the time of painting .
25 I had used it only in reference to the night sky and the Zodiac .
26 'shin " d " encodes past activity , but only in relation to the utterance 's internal system of time referencing which has already been set up and controlled by the deictic references of earlier elements .
27 Moreover , as will emerge in later chapters , segregation became the order of the day , not only in relation to the world outside the house , but in the arrangement of its internal plan .
28 Her mind was self-referring and exclusive as theirs were not — impersonal only in relation to the teasing-out of the intellectually taxing problem .
29 The ecological model starts from the position that the growth and development of children can be understood only in relation to the nature of their interactions with the various environments which impinge on them and with which they are constantly interacting .
30 Unlike modernist works that give the illusion of being autonomous in their surroundings , and which function critically only in relation to the language of their own tradition , site-specific works emphasise the comparison between two separate languages .
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