Example sentences of "[adv] a [adj -er] [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps a better definition of discourse processing is to state that it attempts to describe the ’ extra meanings ’ that come about due to the combination of individual sentences within a larger passage of text .
2 Open interest on LIFFE , perhaps a truer indicator of contract success in such circumstances , considerably exceeds that of the DTB .
3 And secondly , you 'll get a greater , obviously a greater amount of litter , because they do eat as they walk across the sites .
4 A criterion of reasonableness or rational basis is obviously a narrower standard of review .
5 This may be reasonably safe with a very long tow rope , but if there is only a shorter length of rope available the glider may overrun and smash into the back of the car , causing hundreds of pounds ' worth of damage to the glider .
6 My own belief is that while the ordinary , naive world of facts is real , so are the emotional , the transcendent and the ideal worlds which are only a newer form of perception or area of thought and have scope for limitless extension .
7 Thus a higher proportion of cabinet ministers are middle class and university-educated than is the case with backbench MPs .
8 Alternatively , you can enjoy higher internal temperatures than before without increasing your heating bills , but in this case there will be no direct savings , just a greater degree of comfort .
9 This is why organisations like Oxfam argue that virtually all non-concessional debt should be written off by creditors , not just a smaller share of debt taken on before a certain date .
10 While car makers demand lower prices , they want suppliers to take over a bigger share of production and become more involved in the design and development of parts .
11 ‘ It means it now rests with the international side to put on the same , if not a better kind of performance as we put on against Norway last month .
12 ‘ It means it now rests with the international side to put on the same , if not a better kind of performance as we put on against Norway last month .
13 Within a decade , Fothergill was able to give Marshall a descriptive account of the flourishing Upton garden acknowledged , he said , ‘ by the ablest botanists we have , that there is not a richer bit of ground in curious American plants in Great Britain ; and for many of the most curious I am obliged to thy diligence and care . ’
14 As he stood there , his glittering black eyes were the only feature that identified him as a living creature , and not a darker patch of shadow in the benighted forest .
15 Moreover a further level of complexity arises from the fact that both ATF1 ( 29 , 30 ) and CREM ( 28 , 31 ) exist in multiple forms .
16 For example , in Brazil , peripheral capitalist development is responsible not only for a lower level of participation of women in agriculture but also a lower level of integration of women in urban development .
17 There are a couple of duds on Double Good Everything but there 's also a sharper sense of purpose .
18 There was also a higher incidence of diverticulosis in the low fibre diet rats ( 41.2% v 0% ) .
19 The result was not only an increase in real wages but also a higher rate of inflation .
20 Also a higher rate of interest is charged for an overdraft we have not agreed between us , than for CheckOver or Vector .
21 Greenstein has reminded us of Marshall McLuhan 's distinction between " hot " and " cool " media , " hot " media presenting a complete pattern of stimuli , " cool " presenting an incomplete pattern and therefore requiring greater processing and hence a higher level of engagement on the reader 's part .
22 Hence a further development of research on work motivation ( p. 144 ) .
23 This entails both a greater awareness of text features and provision of more time for reading .
24 If this trend continues , we can expect greater numbers of each successive cohort to reach pensionable age and to have both a longer expectation of life and fewer chronic illnesses and disabilities when it does than its predecessor .
25 And lastly , there is a serious applied intent to my talk , for if a student is brought closer to the realities of language , there follows almost inevitably a greater sense of relevance , purposefulness , and motivation .
26 The safety threshold for electromagnetic fields was two milliGauss and if the NGC line gave out a higher level of radiation , this would be potentially hazardous , he said .
27 This suggests that there is now a greater degree of overlap in the characteristics of people accommodated in different forms of care .
28 Body weight is often a better indication of development in certain strains and if commercially bred animals are used weight may be the only available measure of developmental age .
29 The parents want to achieve a minimum of emotional involvement because they have no energy to think and no patience but the result is often a greater investment of time and effort through forcing the child via threats , smacks , and shouts .
30 As home-brewing returns , some groups are striving to bring back a milder version of Prohibition .
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