Example sentences of "[adv] and give [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The scriptwriter — a trim , balding man in his fifties with a moustache — squeezed Dexter 's hand a little too warmly and gave him a serious smile of appraisal .
2 I 'll just pop in and give them a good scare .
3 When he come in and give him a big kiss .
4 And they 'll have my old one in and give me the extra bread for it .
5 He stood up when she came in and gave her a big friendly smile .
6 But another judge will come along and give it a fine mark , but
7 Of course , we had many political differences but the twin oppressions of being Irish lesbians and immigrants brought us together and gave us a strong framework upon which to build our own movement and within which to begin articulating our anger at English feminism .
8 To break contact , move your hands close together again , slide them away and give them a good shake to remove any tingling ( or even tension ) picked up from your partner .
9 Do n't you love your grandmother enough to come downstairs and give her a little goodbye kiss ? ’
10 I leave at 7.30am and by 8am have checked Skipper over and given him a small handful of feed in his manger ( which seems to keep him happy when other horses are fed and means I do n't have to wait an hour for him to digest a full feed ) .
11 She stopped in front of him , leaning forward confidentially and giving him the full benefit of the satin décolletage .
12 He does n't flirt with it , he takes it home and gives it a good f—ing .
13 I just tell him to shut up and give him a sharp rap across the knuckles .
14 So can you see it is vital that all of you keep your circulation going right and a good idea is to start it in bed so that before you get out and put weight on your limbs And the same with the rest of your body get your circulation going , get the joints doing a bit of movement and before you get up and give them the added job of bearing your weight .
15 I certainly advise you to keep asking questions throughout because as I say although they 're speaking in a very very general way the often slip up and give you a particular that you can take advantage and if you lead them on then the more information is available to you .
16 A high six-iron was the mutual decision , since there was just a gentle breeze to hold the ball up and give it a good chance to stop quickly .
17 Shep got up and gave himself a good stretch .
18 He sat up and gave her a quick smile which she supposed was meant to be reassuring .
19 She felt her face go hot with embarrassment as he straightened up and gave her a piercing look that took in everything about her appearance .
20 If she sprang up and gave him a good shaking , every bit of public sympathy would be on his side .
21 It is wise to wash all media thoroughly and to give it a good visual inspection for foreign objects and contaminants .
22 I hung the carpets out and gave them a good beating . ’
23 He managed to open his eyes now and give her a wan smile .
24 Though — ’ he sat back and gave her a grim smile ‘ — I hope he 's not such a fool as to pay over the odds for your services . ’
25 She went back and gave him a light peck on the cheek .
26 ‘ Where did you think I was going ? ’ he asked , turning her around and giving her a little push .
27 ANDY ORKNEY ( Old Applejack ) : ‘ He jumped really well and gave me a tremendous ride .
28 He would come here and give you a good , price for everything you wanted to sell . "
29 I 've been there before and played well , and Dunwell , Withall ; there 's no reason why not and then bring Port Vale back here and give them a good — they 're a good side Port Vale , they 've done exceptionally well .
30 After relaying the message to Ng , Gooseneck looked over at Amiss and gave him a long , slow wink .
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