Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb base] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Surrounding himself with local knowledge was a form of entrenchment ; if you dig in and stare at a hill you can often persuade yourself you know what 's going on behind it .
2 If you actually go in and look at the prices cos the other is the only one I 'm gon na get , it was only ten pounds , only one at the bottom and this shirt white shirt is only five pounds .
3 These factors explain the smiles on the faces of Mike Belbin And David Eyre , who jointly lease , run , live in and cook at the Eagle pub in Farringdon Road .
4 A take away and caff at the South end of the main street near sign posts in miles and furlongs , also unique in our experience it serves the finest battered cod we can ever recall eating .
5 If the Minister of State wants to see what that is like , she should go into the City tonight and look at the number of people who are sleeping in the cold because there is no accommodation for them .
6 Turn the frond over and look at the underside .
7 Look we have got special bread now come on and sit at the table with us ,
8 To understand Homoeopathy we must consider a little more deeply and look at the situation afresh .
9 Not only has he again fallen flat on the ground , but his head and his hands have broken off and lie at the entrance of the building .
10 into the library and go up and sit at the C D ROM terminal .
11 I get up and look at the picture real close to see if there 's a baby in the boat , but I ca n't see one .
12 I pick them up and look at the envelopes .
13 and each time you go out and look at the crop update
14 Erm , I 'm not sure whether it would be appropriate for me to go through the the table now and look at the constraints , or whether it might be better to leave that until after I 've finished my overall remarks .
15 And we believe we already offer that , I think the figures indicate that and therefore in the medium and the longer term I believe that our attractions will undoubtedly benefit and I would finally say that if you er , go back and look at the history of Disney in America , after the establishment of Disney Parks in America there was a big improvement in extension of the amusement parks in the rest of America which er , the traditional theme parks , so called , in America grew in the period after the establishment of Disney Land in California and I think a similar sort of thing is going to happen , not perhaps just in this country er , but also in Europe generally .
16 I mean , maybe what I 'm hearing from the committee is that we take it back and look at the criteria and the ground rules .
17 ‘ It is time for the party as a whole to take a step back and look at the way in which its democracy is being carried out , ’ he told the conference .
18 Okay before we go on then and look at the roles of channels in biology , let's look at how channels are classified briefly .
19 I ‘ ll stop by every now and again and listen at the door , just in case there 's any rough stuff .
20 They can troop round and look at the Rubens , and the Gainsboroughs — the ones that are left .
21 She began to turn the pictures round and flap at the mantelpiece with a duster .
22 If a now neglected painter was popular during his lifetime we must examine the reason why and look at the works again .
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