Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A round-up of what local schoolkids say is IN and OUT in the classroom is sure to shock ‘ wrinklies ’ .
2 Let us suppose that your department is keen to try investigative work ; some have been on courses ; there is access to a few ideas from books and journals ; and the main concern is how people will cope personally and pedagogically in the classroom .
3 So , they spend more and more time in the business of politics and less and less in the business of business .
4 While their relationship managed to remain friendly they saw each other less and less in the years to come .
5 Sandwich was better situated to meet a threat from Scandinavia ; Wight , where Harold 's ships awaited William the Conqueror long and unsuccessfully in the summer of 1066 , implies a connection with the south or west , and perhaps particularly Normandy .
6 Pilots spent longer and longer in the air , searching bitterly and recklessly for a quarry .
7 I would suggest they look long and hard at the report they have written and even longer and harder in the mirror .
8 It is not enough , therefore , to say that more women should do science , or that domestic economy should be compulsory for both sexes ; we have to get to grips with the ways in which ‘ femininity ’ is consistently devalued , both in society generally and specifically in the education system .
9 Saxton Bampfylde tries to be extra sensitive , open and considerate , not only to the clients who are its bread and butter , but also to candidates , who frequently feel they have been ridden roughshod over and hard-done-by in the search process .
10 The silver-plated frame winked at him as it turned over and over in the air .
11 Suddenly he threw himself down on the ground and rolled over and over in the dust .
12 Not necessarily as a second best : over and again in the culture of homosexuality , differences of race and class are intensely cathected .
13 She hugged Nicholas in her arms and rocked him backwards and forwards in the basket-backed rocking chair , in the damp Islington basement , night after night , morning after morning , holding on to him in his little cream Viyella nightdress and blue sleeping bag .
14 For the next half-hour Roland worked haphazardly , moving backwards and forwards in the Vico , half-looking for Proserpina , half-reading Ash 's notes , which was not easy , since they were written in various languages , in Ash 's annotating hand , which was reduced to a minute near-printing , not immediately identifiable as the same as his more generous poetic or letter-writing hand .
15 He thrust the curtains wider , pressed his face to the glass but still all he could see was the white material flapping backwards and forwards in the wind .
16 She had drawn her lips back over her teeth while she cried , rocking herself backwards and forwards in the seat .
17 Most of the series is filmed in north Essex and south Suffolk , boosting interest locally and nationally in the locations used and the countryside in general .
18 I turn back and carry on looking in the window , but it 's hard to concentrate with this blue light flashing on and off in the glass .
19 Cell proliferation is constantly being turned on and off in the target organs .
20 I promise you , darling , they 'll be quite safe with us , ’ she said , speaking slowly and clearly in the hope that her cousin was able to understand .
21 You go through and stand listening to the rain and the wind , and — just audible — the noise of a man breathing slowly and rhythmically in the bed .
22 If their blood were to be circulated through thin flaps extending laterally from the back they could certainly warm themselves very effectively and quickly in the sunshine .
23 Procedures can only be used effectively and efficiently in the context of a team structure which has accounted for the systematic management of top priorities and emergencies .
24 … the process by which managers assure that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of the organisation s objectives .
25 This method is especially valuable in adding depth to the story of the Beverley children unfolded gradually and thoroughly in The Children of the New Forest .
26 [ I ] t seems to me that we are moving more and more in the direction of an elective dictatorship , not the less objectionable in principle because it is inefficient in practice , and not the less tyrannical in its nature because the opposed parties , becoming more and more polarized in their attitudes , seek with some prospects of success to seize the new levers of power and use them alternately to reverse the direction taken by their immediate predecessors .
27 The emphasis in the human rights movement supported by this relativism is more and more in the direction of a hidden pragmatism .
28 Other techniques , such as echo-sounding and soil scanning radar , are currently being developed , and are likely to be used more and more in the future for accurate location and surveying of sites .
29 For Marie , this was a constant source of worry , because she had continually to choose between understanding fully what she was doing , by asking demonstrators for help , and risking losing marks , or by not asking and floundering further and further in the experiment .
30 They began more or less level , you see , and then the one went on forging right to the top , and the other came labouring along always further and further in the rear .
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