Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] it with the " in BNC.

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1 So er that was a telephone call to the divisional officer , who was available at the moment and who came down and discussed it with the employer and notwithstanding that , in the afternoon I had given the management one hour to resolve the problem otherwise there was going to be a major walkout .
2 But they were quite happy to come along and discuss it with the parish council erm and .
3 Even though open systems may be able to meet requirements at a lower cost than perhaps the traditional proprietary systems , if you 've already paid for the traditional proprietary system , clearly there is no saving to be made by throwing it away and replacing it with the equivalent functionality on new technology .
4 You then place it in the neck of a balloon and blow it up and tie it with the piece of paper inside .
5 ‘ It 's not every day that someone wanders on to my property and , when charged at by a Dobermann who 'd shot off as I closed the door after us , goes blithely forward and greets it with the words , ‘ Hello , darling ’ , ’ he replied , reminding her , had she forgotten , that , the dog never far from his control outside of the house , he had soon been on the spot to witness events .
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