Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] [pron] into a " in BNC.

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1 He rushed in and threw himself into a chair .
2 Taking controlled deep breaths will calm you down and get you into a more relaxed rhythm rather than a state of uncontrolled panic .
3 In pure reaction from terror he broke down and wept himself into a deep , swooning sleep as soon as he was alone with his blessed candle ; but when he awoke strangely refreshed and heartened he had his wits again , and could reason about his escape .
4 The serjeant-at-arms , hidden behind the guard of his conical helmet , dragged me down and pushed me into a chamber where a candle glowed in the darkness .
5 It was an old town , its wealth based on brewing before the Second World War came along and transformed it into a steel and munitions centre .
6 What he had n't counted on was the tunnel effect of putting five together and pointing them into a wind that came more or less straight from the Urals after turning left over Norway .
7 Then he clipped the pages together and slipped them into a file .
8 She thought again of the clever pastry-cook who baked her man to her liking , and of La Carmellina , who lost her true love when he climbed a cherry tree into the clouds and found himself in the lair of the sorceress Zenaida — Zenaida , who had been robbed of sleep by the curse of another fairy , and had stolen Carmellina 's love away and changed him into a songbird .
9 Yet though the witches bring his already existing ambition out they can not be completely blamed for his downfall and degeneration as it this , his own ambition which eventually takes him over and turns him into a psychopath , killing merely out of feeling and without reason .
10 ‘ There is no way we are going in to take over and turn it into a repertory theatre .
11 Redo the thread back on and turn it into a socket frequently used by the victim and get the hell out .
12 Three children , aged between four and seven , scream as uniformed East Berlin police drag them and their mother off and push them into a lorry as they stand outside the US embassy in East Berlin , hoping desperately to get inside .
13 We tried tooth and nail and finally impaled it on a thorn tree , tugging at it until the branch flew off and hurtled us into a ditch .
14 He greeted them briskly and folded himself into a chair .
15 Pages were put together by gathering the material up and roughing it into a layout based round the principal hooks — the headlines and pictures which were the only things that really mattered .
16 Thankfully there 's always Dave Hemingway 's grin , Brian Corrigan 's Grogan-esque voice and Heaton 's foppish dancing to cheer us up and turn it into a gorgeous and lurvely night .
17 He had installed her in a cottage on East Street and in the last few days before the wedding she had worked all hours to spicken the place up and turn it into a home for him .
18 The chart had dried into stiff and faded folds , but Billingsley did not look at it , instead he just screwed it up and thrust it into a pocket of his expensive jacket .
19 Josh sprang up and helped her into a chair .
20 It would proceed perfectly well for a while and then suddenly lose all power , forcing Robyn to jerk and stutter along in first gear , while huge juggernauts and tractors hounded her from behind and threw her into a panic .
21 And it was like , nothing , so we just extended all this out and made it into a stage come , a bigger dance floor cos the I do n't know why they wa always seem to have this trends that , they have these trends in the seventies and that was , and eighties of having small dance floors
22 erm the managerial action which is available for you , t to take him out of there and put him into a different post , because he 's not capable of doing .
23 Bursting through the surface , visitors rest before the can tilts forward and pours them into a giant glass held by a giant hand .
24 He folded the knife again and slid it into a pocket .
25 I think , I bet , I think you could wear it or put a belt round and make it into a it might not be , you can tuck it under , you know , put , like a blouse effect .
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