Example sentences of "[adv] of [art] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Vincent spoke almost enviously of the miners ' darkness , and the chance it gave them to reclaim the light .
2 It was unusual because specialist nurses did much of the doctors ' work .
3 It is not permissible for some only of the partners ' names to be shown on business stationery .
4 He enhances our sense not only of the poets ' universe — me cosmology of Dante and Milton , for example — but also of the symbolism used by painters and architects .
5 They form the basis if not of the Federalists ' philosophy , then at least of much of the present movement towards a Federalist structure for Europe .
6 But I think it 's fair to say that the changes in the n nine , early nineteen eighties particularly those which gave the unions a predominant position in choosing the leader , were not of the unions ' making , certainly not of the G M B's making , as I know from personal experience at the time .
7 The 90 recommendations of the inquiry included the phasing out of seclusion , better staff training and the setting up of a patients ' advocacy service .
8 Subsection ( 7 ) deals with cases where a deposit has been made out of a clients ' account or the like .
9 The point is nicely illustrated by an important case arising out of the miners ' strike of 1984–85 .
10 The injustice of life stung her bitterly — Sylvester getting them Bones and co as if they were straight out of the champions ' parade at the Horse of the Year Show and not even knowing that some horses jumped and some did n't , and thinking that all weedy little Hoomey needed was motivation to become Seb Coe the second …
11 Smith does n't want to be out of the selectors ' minds at the start of the tour because he is desperate to improve on his overseas record for England .
12 One Tory MP was seen coming out of the Whips ' office in tears before last night 's vote .
13 Clearly the phasing out of the serf-owners ' authority and of traditional dues did provide an immediate improvement in peasant conditions , and the opportunity to buy land increased peasant security .
14 Begonia leaf cuttings Take a leaf out of the experts ' book with our guide to increasing your stocks of foliage begonias .
15 He established a dummy Swiss company , Lake Resources Inc , through which he laundered vast sums of cash from shady middlemen and arms dealers , right-wing American bigots , and the enormous profits out of the arms ' shipments to the Iranians , who had paid twice the going rate for what they bought .
16 It 's just a race , after all — if you 're any good , you can wave your arms about while pulling a horse 's back teeth out and keep yourself out of the stewards ' room .
17 This made nonsense out of the geologists ' expectation of a world-wide sequence of characteristic fossils , and was never taken up .
18 ‘ When we played MCC at Lord 's they had 10 county captains , if I remember rightly , and one player , J.W. Hearne , came out of the players ' gate , and the rest came out through the main entrance .
19 She found herself hurrying unnecessarily , weaving her way through the groups of people that drifted along the narrow paths , side-stepping the large and opulent prams that were moored to benches where smug mothers sat knitting and staring , dodging the children who chased each other in and out of the grown-ups ' legs .
20 But stocks and shares have the potential of earning quite a high income for the holder , not only in terms of the dividends paid out of the firms ' profits , but also in terms of the capital gain from any increase in the shares ' prices .
21 Such value-judgments surely arise out of the critics ' disappointment at finding negative aspects in an otherwise positive projection , an all-too-human aspiration for avoiding reality which Leonard refuses to do , to his great cost .
22 But apparently it was all out of the scientists ' control .
23 The transfer of sums out of the creditors ' total in the balance sheet does not , of itself , imply dishonesty and would not be an offence under the Theft Act 1968 , since any creditor able to prove the sum owing within the six year limitation period would be paid , regardless of the accounting treatment adopted .
24 The workers in gold spilled out of the Goldsmiths ' Bazaar and into the surrounding streets and alleyways .
25 The pension of £150 was to be paid out of the Goldsmiths ' endowment of £290 .
26 And the lads used to go and pinch out of the girls ' bags .
27 If you 're fishing an 18 on the river and missing bites do n't swop to one smaller ; you 'll only end up pulling that one out of the fishes ' mouths too .
28 The point is not merely that decisions about the day to day operation of the business or even long-term strategy have been taken out of the shareholders ' hands — this is the intended , central advantage of the corporate form — but that the shareholders are no longer able to shape the purpose for which the business is run , that is , they are unable to oblige management to maximise profits .
29 It must be added that they were the better team , had the outstanding individual in Gordon Strachan and deserved the victory procured by a touch of finesse which could have Vinny Jones drummed out of the cloggers ' union .
30 The growth in demand for rapid response in the U.S.A. continues to have the effect of transferring stock out of the retailers ' balance sheets and into those of the manufacturers , a situation aggravated this year by relatively weak fourth quarter sales .
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