Example sentences of "[adv] much [verb] by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The exceptionally high absenteeism on Mondays and Fridays , which necessitated employing thirty per cent more workers than was economically justified , was not so much caused by the demon drink ; but because … etcetera , etcetera … .
2 Leonard was not so much brutalised by the experience , as anaesthetised : hence the recollection of only desire throughout his youth .
3 This raised a cheer from the French , but I must admit the day belonged to Geordie and his special attributes , so much appreciated by the French .
4 Further , the word ‘ communion ’ , a term again involving a verbal identification of Church and Eucharist , was so much used by the Council that it has subsequently been seen to express the Council 's ecclesiology most profoundly and has been made great use of in such documents as those of ARCIC .
5 He says , ‘ My mind was much to the place as soon as it was described to me , because it was a full congregation … an ignorant , rude and revelling people for the greater part , who had need of preaching , and yet had among them a small company of converts , who were humble , godly and of good conversations , and not much hated by the rest , and therefore fitter to assist their teacher ; but above all , because they hardly ever had any lively , serious preaching among them .
6 Like Gogarten — another systematic theologian — he was German and Lutheran ; and he was also much influenced by the Existentialism of Martin Heidegger ( 1889 — 1976 ) .
7 A common example of this form of the tort , though now much restricted by the legislation governing trade disputes , has been the situation where X is B 's servant , whom A induces to act in breach of his contract of employment so as to prevent B fulfilling his contract .
8 But the concept of personality is as much fulfilled by a dog as by a human .
9 Most of the scholarly literature on the subject suggests that hooligans are as much motivated by the desire for fun , excitement , and peer status as they are by ethnic , regional , or other animosities .
10 In September " Mr. John Wodrow , Minister of the Parish of Kildalton having Represented That the Church of Lagavullin was stripped of many slates , and otherwise much hurt by the Storm , and that it is absolutely necessary That the same be immediately Repaired , otherwise that the Church will become ruinous … " £7:4:0 was granted .
11 What is consoling is that one may be perfectly sure that if one perishes in the barbed wire , they will not be too much affected by the loss .
12 A variant theme in recent historiography has been that by the mid-ninth century , nobles had been too much influenced by the church 's stress on peace , and had thus become unfit for military service .
13 At that time , economic thinking on development was very much influenced by the success of the Marshall Plan in financing the rehabilitation of Europe , and by the effect of parallel U.S. aid to Japan .
14 Hop growing was the main industry in the village and the school 's calendar was very much influenced by the farming calendar : ‘ August 24th , 1883 — broke up for the harvest and hop tying today .
15 This policy , which was very much stimulated by the convertibility crisis in 1947 , was tightened up even further at the time of the next sterling crisis in 1949 .
16 While this encounter seems to be limited to an account of the past , it is in fact very much determined by the present .
17 William Macdonald in his " Sketches of Islay " I 850 writes , " Islay had also its wizards and witches , and their charms and amulets were , till of late , very much dreaded by the generality of the people .
18 William Macdonald in his " Sketches of Islay " I 850 writes , " Islay had also its wizards and witches , and their charms and amulets were , till of late , very much dreaded by the generality of the people .
19 When we do , we conclude that the vibrational coordinate associated with the progression is very much affected by the orbital from which the electron was removed .
20 The literature on electronic records has become quite large , but it is very much driven by the discussion of problems and activities in America and Canada .
21 The deep and holistic approaches adopted by students to their learning are very much implied by the conception of higher education developed here , which has stressed the importance of personal understanding and critical insight .
22 It is very much needed by the town , whether or not there is a rail link . ’
23 In that case the Court of Appeal was very much attracted by a reductio argument put forward on behalf of the defendant .
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