Example sentences of "[adv] ask for a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They sensibly asked for a new kettle but were told that they could not have one because cuts meant that no new equipment or furniture of any kind was available .
2 When a pupil came in asking for a special book , he would rush and find it before Mr Crangle .
3 Just ask for a pink gin .
4 Crew arriving by air to join a yacht are not normally asked for an onward ticket : however , nationals who need visas for Spain should have a letter from the owner of the yacht stating that the crew is joining the yacht at Las Palmas .
5 You could not ask for a better curtain-raiser to the day 's racing .
6 Second , most lawyers take on cases on the basis that they will not ask for an upfront fee , but a percentage of the amount of damages won instead — often as much as 40% .
7 ‘ Women always ask for a good contraceptive because they really need one .
8 The workforce at Swan Hunters have never asked for any special privileges , they 've always asked for a fair deal on a level playing field .
9 I would agree with him , but then when did caterers ever ask for an easy life ?
10 He also asked for a similar offence to be taken into consideration .
11 If he also asks for a large deposit , the alarm bells should be ringing .
12 But I would make clear to Mr if he looks at the minutes of the budget review sub-committee , that the suggestion of the director of property services wastes his time fully exploring all options for the disposal of all or any part of the County Farms estate , for which he probably asks for a large amount of money , since it involves an enormous amount of wasted time , is not been agreed , it 's a non-delegated item , it was a recommendation of this committee which has not been moved at this committee , and it was a most unfortunate and woolly form of words .
13 — a fertile womb ( they also ask for a barren womb sometimes ) .
14 The Kiwis , however , would probably ask for a hastily-arranged tour based more around one-day internationals than Tests .
15 Nkrumah now asked for a constitutional adviser to be sent from England .
16 Things did n't quite go to plan — which has proved annoying for you , and you 're now asking for a second service ; for which you 'll pay me . ’
17 Managers are now asking for an independant review of both incidents .
18 If you have a property to SELL in an area covered by an ALLEN & HARRIS office , please ask for a FREE VALUATION .
19 Lawyers acting for the 14 nuns are due to see a judge in chambers today to ask for a judicial review which would effectively prevent ministry officials carrying out the slaughter at Our Lady of the Passion Monastery near Daventry .
20 You ca n't ask for a specific taxi company or
21 If , for any reason , South African Richard Snell decides to go back to his studies or does n't ask for a renewed contract with Somerset , they could also be eyeing Aqib .
22 They must learn what every child knows that you ca n't ask for a present back .
23 The chap is very very experienced , he knows what he 's doing and he 's he you you could n't ask for a better worker really but yes d I I do believe he 's got a problem with his eyesight .
24 Erm and she 's had seven youngsters and she 's brought them up and she a , on her own she 's had to bring them up cos he left her for another , another woman and erm she had the seven and she 's worked and fought hard cos she would n't ask for a darn thing and er they 're , they 're great those kids , they are , they 're a credit to her , you know , but it 's taken it out of her , she 's
25 I 'm surprised Sister did n't ask for a single room .
26 The players may well ask for a general description of the Castle .
27 But Athey himself , or a county wanting to sign him and Derbyshire are reportedly interested can now approach the TCCB again to ask for a special exemption .
28 I did n't know specifically asking for a sleeping tablet .
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