Example sentences of "[adv] work [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oliphant , who was also knighted , went on to work on the atomic bomb , and subsequently returned to his native South Australia , where he became Governor .
2 So many track workers have been allowed to go that in some parts of the country we are not able to put gangs together to work on a proper maintenance programme . ’
3 With the help of the ESRC , the Yorkshire Dales National Park hope to transform countryside interpretation into an active and creative means of bringing landowners , policymakers and the public together to work on the best way to manage one of the great scenic treasures of northern England , yet maintain a healthy rural economy .
4 How do you bring a group of people together to work on an equal basis when half the members of the group are experienced non-disabled professionals who are used to taking control ?
5 He felt that bringing departments together to work towards a whole-school approach was going to be difficult and would be further complicated by the fact that some heads of department had unrealistic expectations of what the project might achieve .
6 Ray Shepherd looked up at them as coolly as if he had just driven in to work on a routine day .
7 French masons were brought in to work on the glorified hunting lodge of Falkland in Fife until it came to resemble a French Renaissance palace in miniature , with the courtyard 's south range richly decorated with Scots thistles , French fleurs-de-lis and pictorial medallions .
8 Andrew Eliel , editor of the guide , said the award had been launched because it was felt the best chef did not necessarily work in the best restaurant .
9 To achieve profound change , women must necessarily work within the existing structure .
10 Specifically , Sartre creates a single history by excluding all histories except that of the West ; his history as totalization can therefore only work through a determined ethnocentricity .
11 But this can only work at the individual level : it can not work for the economy as a whole since the quantity of nominal money is fixed , and so one person obtains more money by selling bonds only with the result that someone else — the person who buys the bonds — finds himself with less .
12 A similar exercise which will only work with a low handicap golfer is one of trying to stay back on the right side a little longer , and to be slightly flat-footed with the right foot through impact .
13 However close the match of management behaviour to the criteria described , performance management can only work in the broader context of managing change through learning ( see chapter 6 ) .
14 The ruler does n't only work in the horizontal direction .
15 If Sartre 's endeavour to ground the Marxist science of history suggests that the Hegelian totality and continuum can only work by a continual labour of excluding the partial and discontinuous , Althusser 's effort to constitute a differentiated history shows that you can not do it without a teleology .
16 The Met , Signals and Switchboard girls all worked on the same ground floor , next to each other , and at the end of the corridor were the girls in the Intelligence office , although they did n't mix with us so much .
17 At the time Rachel herself had still been doing her training but they had all worked at the same hospital — David as a senior house officer and Jennifer as a staff nurse on Orthopaedics .
18 Pattern cutters , fitters , sewing hands and their assistants all worked at an incredible speed .
19 The 231 staff were re-employed indefinitely — at cost of £50,000 each — some doing less work for the same money .
20 Paul erm involved in a number of erm in a number of amateur companies apparently working as a casual member of staff .
21 When last heard of — in the early Seventies — he had returned to the United States and was apparently working in a fast food restaurant .
22 Only work for the socialist revolution and you work for justice for everyone ; blacks , women , oppressed minorities everywhere .
23 Typical quotes were : ‘ They only work in the nuclear industry ’ .
24 The foursome , who all work at the special care baby unit at South Cleveland Hospital , Middlesbrough , will be attending the world 's first conference on neo-natal care , held in Washington DC .
25 He was also a prime mover in the bid to get better pay for West Indian cricketers , putting in much work as the first secretary of the West Indian Players ' Association .
26 For example , the chief in Figure 5.15 has control over the whole machine , whereas the draughtsman only works on the fine detail of a specific part .
27 If there is no local museum , there may be a professional archaeologist in the area , perhaps working for the local authority .
28 There is nothing more annoying than a computer system that works beautifully , say , in a library , and then one goes in at nine thirty in the morning and you ca n't get books out because the power has gone off , and if we are sure to go on having a society with industrial disputes , we want a system that is not capable of being completely ruined by one small section of workers deciding not to work on a particular day , and so I think while we 're putting them in , while we want to put them in in a way which that is compatible , we also need to think of having a kind of fail-safe system , particularly in the sort of more serious applications such as medicine and transport and so on , whereby we ca n't be held to ransom by very a small group of people , or indeed by just some technical fault , such as a power failure or something of this kind .
29 While it would be churlish to pass over the considerable tree planting effort already wrought in the central belt by the trust , the results of a three-year research project undertaken at the University of Edinburgh reveal little evidence that the needs and wants of local people have provided the vehicle for environmental change .
30 Nevertheless , once a school opens its gates to a broader public than the one it has been designed to serve , its staff can no longer work in an educational laager , isolated from the outside world .
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