Example sentences of "[adv] look [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A major feature is that real space time is Riemannian , that is to say it is curved yet locally looks like the flat space time of special relativity much as a portion of a spherical surface of linear extent much smaller than the radius looks flat .
2 Merely looking at the final stage of supply can obscure the full range of options open to a particular firm in its choice of serving foreign markets .
3 One of the most important areas of credit management is risk assessment , not only looking at the individual customer companies concerned , but also at the current financial background in which they operate .
4 It should be a condition , for anyone thinking about development to resist trying to infer how a structure develops by only looking at the final result .
5 John Heminges said they were dark , cruel plays , and that Will was only looking at the black side of people .
6 . I 'd better look under the big light .
7 It will only look at the premium status up to the fifteenth of the month , it wo n't take into consideration when so recall 's gone through on the sixteenth of the month .
8 We have only to look at the disciplinary background of vice-chancellors over the past 30 years to see evidence of the modern superior position of science and technology .
9 It is grosser than in any European country and you have only to look down the nearest street to see it .
10 Inside look at the magnificent east window — a fine example of Victorian glass painting .
11 But I would say that we should obviously look at the financial aspect of the review erm dates , which might be yearly .
12 The notes that have been prepared for us go over er , rather briefly the legal systems in our land , and er , even references made to France , which has a slightly different legal system , which may be a bit better than ours and so that , in the notes , we not only look at the High Court , the High Court , the Criminal Court , the County Court er er , and realise what an important part of legal proceedings er , these courts fair , as well of course , as the largest courts of all , , the Magistrate 's Court .
13 So look at the big drop on that one .
14 And also we think they sensibly looked at the actual provision of sites in areas which have proved popular for employment and which do not compromise environmental objectives .
15 It would be surprising if Tolkien had not looked at the calm face of Tollund Man , or the hideously frightened one of ‘ Queen Gunhild ’ ( all too obviously still struggling as she was pinned down alive ) , and reflected that these were the true lineaments of his pagan ancestors .
16 Certainly she had seen something moving in the forest that day on Ridgery Steep , something fairly large , something white , and Allen had failed to see it ; but then it was possible that he had not looked in the right spot at the right moment and that his failure to see it was an accident .
17 The borough council already looks after the eastern end of the ruined priory which was the first Augustinian monastery .
18 In this area of interest one normally looks at the classic work of Bartlett ( 1932 ) as providing the first base for the complex analysis of how people 's thought and language come together in their recall of complex materials .
19 All you 've got to do is concentrate on getting out quick and running your own thing , not looking at the next guy .
20 And Tory arguments that the tax would make companies uncompetitive were not looking at the whole picture .
21 Katherine nodded fractionally , and the butler bowed and moved silently from the room , not looking at the younger man .
22 And it is my responsibility to make sure the players concentrate over the entire 90 minutes and are not looking towards the next match .
23 And so it would not be right to say that we 're not looking after the local element of the population .
24 Well erm from , from my observation of catalogues and I was just looking through the other day , lighting does n't alter very much , there 's nothing very impressive in any of the catalogues really
25 I 'm just looking for the biographical summary Ellis has given me .
26 We 'll just looking at the big book together do you want to come and join us ?
27 if I may give you a word of advice , you may think it 's rude , but when Mr is asking questions try not to turn down towards him , if you try and face across the jury , that 's what carries the voice if you 're looking at them , if you turn to your left , a bit of your head goes down a bit , it 's only natural , you 're not as used to courts as Mr is , er , he , he , your , it , your voice smothers , it 's not a question of shouting it 's just looking in the right direction , yes Mr go on
28 Excellent so you 've already got percentages sorted out there , can we just look at the next block of words , and hello , hello , right , no , yeah well I , yes I I think it all went great , unfortunately erm , so I really ca n't really consider on , on that .
29 See chapter 2 and do not look on the last fortnight as the only time to work , even if it does " concentrate your mind wonderfully " .
30 Those who declared an average farm income of 20% or less obviously did not look on the off-farm job in this way .
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