Example sentences of "[adv] give [noun sg] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the pope nevertheless steadfastly refused to give way , Henry intensified his attack on the church ; in the summer of 1530 he issued a charge of praemunire against fifteen clerics , including the four bishops who had supported Catherine , on the grounds that they had aided Wolsey in the exercise of his legatine authority and thereby given support to papal jurisdiction within his realm .
2 In 1982 BBC1 's ‘ Nationwide ’ covered Gay News ' tenth birthday , but in general the sharp end of factual programming has only given space to gay issues when they impinge on heterosexual concerns .
3 In both instances earlier discovery might obviously give rise to great savings in costs .
4 Hence , for example , in the case of the educational system , we should not assume that dominant ideologies about women necessarily give rise to uniform practices in schools and amongst teachers .
5 It 's followed by ‘ Gibbet ’ , a lush , textured tune that scrapes the impressive heights reached by its predecessor , only to give way to more featherweight tat .
6 Apparently giving way to Ukrainian pressure , the Crimean Supreme Soviet on May 20 ( the deadline set by Ukraine ) voted by 98 out of 157 to repeal the independence declaration .
7 Now the spruce spar boom wanted to shrink and swell about twice as far as the plywood which was glued to it and this naturally gave rise to serious stresses near to where the two met along the glued joints ( Figure 3 ) .
8 The prolonged delay , coupled with low spirits caused by cold , squalor and exhaustion , naturally gave rise to some suspicions that East Germany might , incredibly , have reneged on its deal .
9 The plain-covered wordy tomes of earlier years , largely indistinguishable in appearance ( except for the use of photographs ) from their Lyellian and Geikien predecessors of the century before , suddenly gave way to glossy volumes with brightly coloured covers , two-colour diagrams , larger page sizes and a higher picture-to text ratio .
10 By the eighteenth century the older and rougher leathers had largely given way to finer products , often polished and patterned in a variety of ways , e.g. calf could be ‘ sprinkled ’ ( speckled by acid in a regular pattern ) , ‘ mottled ’ ( having an irregular all-over pattern , also produced by acid ) or ‘ diced ’ ( having a pattern of diamond squares ) .
11 How her mother had just given birth to another child , her fifth , this time a boy .
12 Not , no , I , I 've really not given thought to that subject .
13 The remaining techniques have not given rise to general-purpose instruments but have proved useful in particular experiments .
14 As such they will normally give advice to individual councillors and parties , as well as the full council and committees .
15 Most of the expenditure was outside the dollar area , and did not give rise to immediate dollar payments .
16 But they did not give rise to new grouping systems within or between schools .
17 A band could sign a recording contract , or receive income from live performances or session fees ( the receipt of prize money from a talent contest is tax free and does not give rise to taxable income unless this occurs on a regular basis ) .
18 Environment Secretary Michael Howard commented : " The government remains determined that contamination does not give rise to unacceptable risks to health and safety , to groundwater and the environment . "
19 However , reserves of $6,700 million ensured that this figure did not give rise to undue concern .
20 The absence of intermittent hormonal stimulation in men implies that a similar underlying genetic defect might not give rise to malignant disease until later in life .
21 Where the activity involved is one which would not give rise to insuperable planning objections if it were carried out somewhere else , then the planning authority should do all it can to help in finding suitable alternative premises before initiating enforcement action .
22 Those on the outside form the trophoblast which does not give rise to any structures in the embryo proper but is involved in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus and the formation of the placenta .
23 But to undertake to pay a certain sum after the sale of a property does not give rise to any implication that the solicitor will be exonerated if no sale proceeds come into his hands .
24 ‘ An intestinal infection is of no significance whatsoever in the field of public health because such infection will not give rise to any problems to public health , ’ he told Lord Justice Parker and Mr Tudor Evans during a judicial review of the Ministry 's order to slaughter the chickens .
25 ‘ Alice ’ was a jolly girl and did not give way to deep depression as another ‘ Army ’ mother had done on finding that baby would not be a Major as her father was .
26 The present ski development is unsafe for walkers to walk through towards the carriers as the skiers do not give way to each other let alone walkers .
27 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
28 If even one base pair change in DNA can profoundly affect the body , the inclusion of a whole length of foreign genetic material among our own genes could easily give rise to metabolic imbalances and disturbances .
29 The Queen had convenanted not to give licence to any others to search or dig etc. in the eight counties reserved , or in Wales , and that none would search without consent of the patentees , and that she would " deface and distroy all tools , instruments &c. save only of the Patentees . "
30 There is a particular danger that national competition policies might be used in a protectionist or promotional manner as described above to give advantage to domestic producers .
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