Example sentences of "[adv] take [pers pn] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think , ’ the policeman was saying , ‘ I 'd better take her in for a little talk . ’
2 she obviously took them both for the same thing did n't she ?
3 If he fixed a price with the buyer , and the buyer asked for Modigliani 's address , the painter was likely to give away his work at a lower price or offer it as a present if the purchaser was shrewd enough to take him out for a meal and a few drinks .
4 We 've spent months of shelving and then in the end he just says oh sod it , just took it out for an eight one six then .
5 Most varieties supplied by garden centres grow a little too large to make ideal houseplants if you just take them in for the winter , but many dwarf and miniature types are ideal for deep sunny windowsills .
6 You just take it over for the weekend ?
7 It was the weekend I bought the Granada , I 'm sure it was when we went away first time I ever took it out for a run .
8 The Campbells steamer his mother had once taken him on for a day trip to Ilfracombe .
9 He wo n't take her out for a meal .
10 His sports and hobbies frequently took him away for the best part of the weekend ; work also ate into parts of Saturday and Sunday .
11 ‘ I almost took you seriously for a minute .
12 Looks like you 'll have to sort of like put it up for a day and then take it down for a week and put it back in again .
13 And I said oh that 's right , he said and I , I 'd come up and see her the first we 'll either take her out for a drink afterwards , I thought that does n't seemed to mix in one glass , and I going to a pub because she 's , but there you are , and she so 's erm , can I bet you 'll stay a bit , she said oh , I think December is your like it to be , well obviously it 's getting him settled you must n't over , she must off pushed him and then he 's said erm , I , I 've told mum and dad that if they want to go as well , they can go .
14 And there 's a fascinating article in this , the current edition , the January edition it is now , because they go so far in advance , of She magazine , which says that er , it 's a desperate plight sometimes , when you have people coming for Christmas who fall into several categories like lazy slobs , who do absolutely nothing , and misers , who turn up with a stale box of chocolates , and never take you out for a meal in return for your hospitality , and the amorous couples who er , embarrass you by er , er , noisily retiring to their bedroom , if I may put it that way , and then the guests who turn up in mid-row , and bicker systematically over the whole of the festive period .
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