Example sentences of "[adv] take [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This means concentrating on the tow and only taking your eyes off the towplane for a brief moment .
2 He 'd been adjusting the driving mirror and he 'd only taken his eyes off the road for a moment .
3 He grabbed her hand and hurried her after the group who were moving down to take their seats beside the long deep Lago Martel .
4 why in due course , if proper use is made of native institutions , those races which are now subject should not take their places in the ranks of that group of allied nations , as they may I think rightly be called , which forms the [ self-governing ] British Empire …
5 The maid who opened the door to them could not take her eyes off the great fat woman in the biscuit straw hat with big cloth roses on its brim , and the cape that just covered her shoulders and showed an expanse of blue cotton bosom , the like she had never seen before .
6 Julia could not take her eyes off the beautiful mare .
7 There is a problem that way , as he can not take his dogs over the border .
8 But he could not take his eyes off the photograph in front of him .
9 The four-foot-long nozzle is heavy for me and hard to hold level , but I do not take my eyes off the spider .
10 ‘ How did it look ? ’ she asked Morris , not taking her eyes off the screen .
11 Jess spoke fiercely , not taking her eyes from the raddled face , daring her to deny it .
12 ‘ Great , ’ said Morris , not taking his eyes off the screen either .
13 ‘ Ah , ’ he says , not taking his eyes off the ring , ‘ I opened some Valpolicella already . ’
14 ‘ Just another five minutes , ’ Nick begged , not taking his eyes from the ball as he whacked it half way down the table .
15 Unlike Salman Rushdie , he can still take his walks through the back streets of his chosen city .
16 Over the next few afternoons Mrs Phelps could hardly take her eyes from the small girl sitting for hour after hour in the big armchair at the far end of the room with the book on her lap .
17 the sub-contracting of local acquisition search requirement to the participating member , as part of a larger international acquisition search engagement being conducted by the initiating member on behalf of a client in his country ( in these circumstance , the participating member will usually take his instructions from the initiating member ) ; and
18 He 's been sitting on the bench for the last hour and has never once taken his eyes off the shop .
19 So I always take my flowers for the altar at the same time .
20 I WOULD rather take my children into the main bar or lounge of a pub and expect them to sit sensibly and reasonably quietly so that we can all relax , drink , talk and eat in a proper pub atmosphere .
21 This really took our minds off the enemy above .
22 ‘ They could n't take their eyes off the dancers .
23 ‘ Well , your Lucy has got you winding her chain , darling , and she just wo n't take her feet off the ground and let go — am I right ? ’
24 She could n't take her eyes off the livid scratch on his nose .
25 Bernice could n't take her eyes from the tall woman , and realized that her companions , too , must have been staring .
26 Major Nogin was looking expectantly towards our table and Ralph Pike could n't take his eyes off the major .
27 Sanchez did n't take his eyes from the pit .
28 When her Mum undressed her to try it on I could n't take my eyes off the lovely white underclothes she wore .
29 But Melrose simply took their feet of the brake and Craig Redpath and Bryan Redpath went over for tries .
30 As the audience take their seats for " Pamela " we can hear , from the onstage tannoy , stage management calls and , ultimately , an announcement : " Ladies and Gentlemen , please take your seats in the main auditorium ; this afternoon 's performance of " Coriolanus " is about to begin . "
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