Example sentences of "[adv] out [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only out on the water with Pedro panting in the prow had she dared to admit that for the first time in her life she had felt herself a prisoner at the Hall .
2 Others even claim that the present knowledge of man and his mind is nil and that real culture will arise only out of the knowledge of the sequence of human DNA .
3 The sight had brought her as swiftly out of the house as a child who sees the ice-cream van .
4 Sometimes , before their numbers were made up , one or two of them would come to the edge of Steep Ridgery and look gloomily out over the sea of greenery as though wondering whether they dared set out without waiting longer .
5 The dark mouth of the alleyway between the high buildings loomed suddenly out of the mist at their side .
6 Tom Bull-Dwyer 's middle managers stared unhappily out through the forest of tangled masts at the Needles , which seemed to be travelling past at a brisk walking pace .
7 It 's a long way north — apparently out of the mainstream of the chaos which is afflicting Eastern Europe .
8 He says , If the cinema should have nudity there , the statues should be inside out of the view of people .
9 My unfaithfulness will be eased gently out along the process of life , dispensing with small fragments of guilt as I go .
10 They zigzagged around tree trunks and saw the dark shapes scurrying along out of the corner of their eyes .
11 The book is filled with the outlines of toads , bats and squirrels which did not move quickly enough out of the way of oncoming traffic .
12 Vocalists had to bob down out of the way during instrumental breaks , and those unfamiliar with recording technique had to be man-handled by the recording director to bring them close to the horn on low notes and push them further away on high notes .
13 Conventional wisdom tells us that it is the lure of civilization that breaks up the old life , Tromø 's video games and bars pulling the Lappish kids down out of the forest into the town .
14 Iago ambled down out of the forest in mid-afternoon , on a Welsh mountain pony with a barrel like a butt of wine , a cross-grained temper , and a turn of speed no one would have credited from her build .
15 Literally out in the middle of a field .
16 And at this point he sat up in bed , said ‘ White Rabbits ! ’ aloud , to bring luck throughout the coming month , and looked eagerly out of the window into the dewy sunshine which was beginning to shimmer on Thrush Green .
17 So out of the kindness of my heart I agreed to come in . ’
18 How she had managed it , God knows , except perhaps that beautiful and exciting women dropping in out of the blue at the bottom of the world were not very plentiful .
19 ‘ You do n't know how we people of World 's End live , ’ she said quietly , ‘ so perhaps you would do well to stay indoors out of the way of any trouble . ’
20 Sir Ian Trethowan slid comfortably out of the director-generalship of the BBC to become chairman of the Horserace Betting Levy Board because the Home Secretary , William Whitelaw , happened to know he was interested in racing .
21 Much to my surprise I was soon out on the water like a regular Captain Pugwash .
22 Screaming , Duvall was sucked backwards out of the window in a cloud of broken glass and was instantly gone .
23 Alison looked away out of the window at the facade of New College opposite .
24 And had known , took , took part in every one , right up I 'd never been away out of the town in the time the was on .
25 ‘ They always have an ability to get the best out of the crew on the day . ’
26 He left for Birmingham ahead of the team for a managers meeting yesterday and with coach Jens will be working hard to get the best out of the team against Iceland and against the Czech Republic on Thursday and the USA on Friday .
27 Watching the pinches of flake sink out of sight into the roots I only see the rod-tip curve over out of the corner of my eye .
28 Paige said nothing , but stared morosely out at the wall of water .
29 With most binoculars it is in the same field with Gamma Sagittæ , but is just out of the field with × 20 .
30 He works for the Aycliffe Centre for Children and lives just out of the constituency in Newton Aycliffe .
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