Example sentences of "[adv] get [pron] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I managed to track her down and eventually got her on the telephone .
2 ‘ When I struck the bream tore off downstream and dragged me into some weeds but I eventually got it to the bankside , ’ said Matthew .
3 so it was a bit of er struggle to er , to get them to come and look at it and fix 'em up again , well they did n't fix 'em up they , they , they give 'em a new one , they only got it in the sale
4 We 've argued for years about meals on wheel service that there should be seven day a week service throughout this authority , we 've only got it in the City , we want it throughout the authority .
5 Yes , so get them into the habit of doing it .
6 and one boy chose to write about plumbing and do you know , he found that there was nothing written down about plumbing in the early nineteen seventies there were one or two plumbing text books , they were very expensive and you could only get them through The Institute of Plumbers plumbing is something that until about nineteen seventy five was passed from father to son or uncle to nephew it was a sort of secret craft you know , you can
7 We do n't only get you to the hospital — we get you there alive ! ’ — commercial for a private medical firm
8 Erm th the general idea is that I 'm actually responding to a request from last years ' student group so that the previous lecturer did pass on to me that the student group had been unhappy that there were too many texts referred to as they could n't necessarily get them from the library and they could n't afford to buy more than one text .
9 ‘ You 'd better get her to the hospital , ’ said Comfort .
10 ‘ You had better get yourself into the washhouse and clean yourself up , ’ she said , ‘ I am going round to the Post Office and let Sid Watkins know . ’
11 I suppose we 'd better get you into the house . ’
12 When he finally got her on the phone , she only asked him how he was then said she had to rush , and put the receiver down before he had time to tell her .
13 This time there was no knife , they just got him on the floor and it was just a fist which had come down on the man 's face again and again .
14 ‘ I have already got it from the beat constable that she was n't there at four o'clock . ’
15 Mind you do n't your tongue with that I tell you what they had in er Woolies market as well , I do n't know whether you 've seen them and I do n't , I 've not got you know an old Argos catalogue to compare prices , cos they 've not got it in the summer one , but they have them in the winter ones , it 's like a , a tool box , but it 's on wheels and you make it up , you , you know all the screws and the wheels come out and you 're not , it 's all plastic , I think it must be from age three , because of the little bits , and it 's like erm , I 've seen it somewhere , where I 've been , it has little figures sat in this erm , what would you , it 's like erm , a bit like a truck , yeah , and it 's got the , the figures in it
16 That has not got you into the Kingdom of God .
17 I 've only just got it in the washing machine .
18 I 'm not watching it I 'm just getting it at the beginning .
19 And they 're not getting them at the moment .
20 and I here 's me , what the fuck are you do do n't panic to help me up , just do n't panic just get me on the settee
21 Just get it out the way , yeah .
22 If you can just get me into the house without your mother seeing … ’
23 He gained his school colours for rugger and was unlucky not to get them for the Field Game and the Wall Game — another game confined to Eton .
24 As I have emphasised three times , the previous Select Committee on Health and Social Services made a number of pleas to the Government not to get us into the position that we are in now .
25 But so long as Mary of Guise 's position was upheld by her daughter , no amount of rhetoric could conceal the fact that in attacking the regent they were attacking the queen , and religious sincerity did not get them off the hook of treason ; thus , for example , when they seized the coining-irons of the mint in Edinburgh in July , it was an intelligent enough political and military act , but their efforts to justify it on the grounds that they were serving their country by stopping the regent 's debasement of the coinage rang all too hollow .
26 But being able to mend the lift does not get you to the top in merchant banking .
27 You better not get it on the furniture as well , keep it away from the furniture , now put it on the paper or else do n't use it
28 He was seventy-eight and it took four ambulance workers and Jack to finally get him in the ambulance .
29 Through the Princes ' Trust in the month we actually give grants to something like twenty people , just to get them off the street , because there was nowhere else they could turn to .
30 As it was , she had to draw on reserves of courage she had n't even known she possessed just to get her through the opening number .
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