Example sentences of "[adv] get [adj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It rather got lost in the rush . ’
2 ‘ The discussions have been taking place for such a long time that I rather got used to the idea that I should be leaving .
3 Materials were collected in advance and stored in anticipation of their use ; powder slowly got cheaper in the course of the fifteenth century ; while many towns employed one or more men to supervise the effective use of artillery in case of attack .
4 A complex settlement of this problem was not reached until January 1983 , when Britain effectively got one-third of the fishing quotas .
5 Finally I managed to get out of the harness and , luckily for me , the parachute that was dragging me along got tangled in a camel thorn bush .
6 Only got two in the box though .
7 ‘ They 've only got twelve in a form , sir , ’ Deirdre McTavish — better known as Nutty — pointed out the obvious reason for this last coincidence .
8 Ant : I 've only got enough for a shirt .
9 Can you see that maybe , if at some time in the future , you do have er , some bad health , or perhaps get involved in an accident , that after a period of time , it might be difficult to actually find the money to pay for this plan we 're establishing tonight ?
10 If that 's the doctor every day gave treatment Well we 're not having this forty four down get one off the point of advance line
11 As she glared at him , he continued , ‘ So get used to the fact that , if you plan on staying on here , you will unfortunately be seeing rather a lot of me .
12 I can only get forty over the river before the ships come , and they wo n't have horses . ’
13 Daisy left her position in the window and hurried down to get ready for the morning surgery .
14 ‘ And it looks like we 'll be moving there , if she sticks to the asking price , so you 'd better get used to the idea .
15 Coming from me , teasing is a backhanded compliment , and you 'd better get used to the idea . ’
16 The very same women who had been all for their daughters travelling abroad seemed suddenly to get bored with the idea .
17 But we soon got used to the place .
18 About quarter to eleven we got to bed , but they were going on I fell asleep during the middle of it cos I just got used to the noise
19 You just got married in the barn .
20 He just got feverish in the night really .
21 Just got this from a mate who got it from the Arsenal list ( ! ! ! )
22 This , again , should be no big deal for Cobol programmers , who have already got used to the notion of writing modular code .
23 I 've got a new car and it 's already got 23,000 on the clock , and three-quarters of that must be to the club . ’
24 He 's not got much of a reputation as a feminist . ’
25 If you go to the normal parents ' class you get -Oh yeah — another one , does n't know a lot , just got pregnant for the fun of it , but the midwives , Ros and Maureen , they treat you different .
26 And also I 've just got tired of the group being viewed as this humourless … thing .
27 It 's simple because it 's just got three at the top .
28 They were already getting used to the fact that they were very popular .
29 She was just getting used to the chestnut when Alejandro moved her on to a dark brown mare who , when it was n't bucking , shied at the ball , and then on to another chestnut , whom she had great difficulty in holding .
30 ‘ Best not get fond of the boy , Thomas , ’ he muttered to himself .
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