Example sentences of "[adv] we can [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For present purposes we need not worry about the complexity and the names of the various components in the retina if only we can answer the following question : What does a single one of these ganglion cells tell the brain about the image falling on the photoreceptors to which it connects ?
2 So we can Quantify the agenda-setting power of television and the parties during the campaign .
3 So we can classify the six PH stretches we expect as a 1 and b 2 derived from internally symmetric modes and usually labelled ν s S , and a 1 , a 2 , b , and b 2 derived from internally antisymmetric modes and usually labelled ν a .
4 So we can do the first two .
5 Okay and then as you saw five 'll go into it so we can cancel the fives out and it 's just one over three .
6 Thus Benzene contains three double bonds and so we can calculate the standard molar enthalpy of hydrogenation of benzene by just multiplying the value for cyclohexene by 3 .
7 Thus we can see the regional consequences of welfare state expansion and of post-1975 ( and IMF intervention ) cuts .
8 Thus we can see the expanded negative reproduction appearing , as Bukharin posited. if we compare the progress of the schemas above with the results if g' had continued at 0.1 we should find that in PP4 W = 23,958 as opposed to the actual 19,073 .
9 Thus we can use the existing research to help us find our empirical measures for the effects of client participation on effectiveness in social work , but we have not yet achieved our aim .
10 Once these are to hand your Committee can decide whether or not we can afford the additional cost of up-grading the quality of the signs .
11 Hopefully we can pull the giant eel right out the water and if not , I might be able to throw a net over it . ’
12 Eventually we can expect the central mark ( which tells us which region we are in at the moment ) to have moved to parts of the two sequences which are quite different .
13 Now how many other regions have got the guts to do that and if you do it , come on we can ask the General Secretary to double everything you do now come on
14 Similarly we can reduce the negative pitch of the blades — and even go slightly positive — without the blades actually stopping .
15 Now we can announce the winning entrants .
16 Now we can calculate the initial investment , .
17 Now we can introduce the typical Dogs Today reader .
18 Well we can use the same decision rule and just change the subscripts by one , so you 've got gamma into P T minus two right , plus one minus gamma the expectation of T minus three , prices T minus two okay , and we could substitute right , the right hand side here , right , into the expec , into that expectation up there .
19 And today we can reveal the staggering total of your generous donations so far — a record-breaking £300,000 .
20 Some principles to be kept in mind are given , with arguments , in the section on Reading effectively , but here we can note the final results .
21 Here we can see the two-way exchange between waking consciousness and dream-consciousness .
22 Here we can see the paired jointed legs that are attached to each body segment , the feathery gill on a stalk alongside each leg , two feelers at the front of the head , the gut running the entire length of the body , even the muscle fibres along the back which enabled the animal to roll itself up into a ball .
23 Our classification is based solely on the speaker-variables of age , sex and area , and on contextual styles , and this is regarded as a procedure whereby we can establish the internal linguistic norms of the community .
24 Slipping through the nearest black hole , maybe we can retrace the giant steps for mankind which led us here .
25 If q in Gauss 's law ( eqn ( 2.15 ) ) means free charge then we are all right , then we can ignore the bound charge on the dielectric .
26 If we get two or three places then we can choose the best one .
27 please contact and then we can do the next few hundred
28 and then we can do the same .
29 If we know the firm 's PE ratio and its earnings per share ( EPS ) , then we can recover the fair share price very simply using .
30 I can offer you half a day and then we can take the later flight . ’
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