Example sentences of "[adv] at [pers pn] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While ideally this should be the chairman there may be someone even better at it in the group .
2 So clearly now , the , there 's some merit in looking afresh at it in the light of five B , being able to match the kind of funding that 's available there .
3 His dark brows rose in astonishment at this attack and then he slid his arms round her and pulled her towards him , looking down at her with the sort of expression a grown-up reserved for a naughty child .
4 As I write , he nods down at me from the wall beside my desk ; shining brass-reel in place , cast and flies still ready for action , waiting for the last trumpet to sound .
5 ‘ And do n't dare tell me it 's going to be too tough for a woman , ’ Mariana shouted , as she glared down at him from the saloon .
6 After a few minutes , he became aware of Peter Dawson 's portrait staring down at him from the top of the piano , and he stopped .
7 A week later he was in the chair at a meeting of the Humanist Society when he suddenly had a vision of Bill Brice looking down at him from the moulding in the corner of the ceiling with a crown of thorns on his head , and look of sweet forgiveness on his face ; whereupon he stood up and made a long , confused speech about the hunger for God that gnawed inside each of us , however stiff-necked and jeering we might be ; which caused great embarrassment to all those present , and even greater embarrassment later to progressive theologians on the staff , who felt that such old-fashioned emotive conversions could only undo all their good work .
8 The villagers looked down at it with the satisfaction of those who could n't swim and certainly would n't want to try .
9 Oliver was very surprised ; this was the same man he had bumped into once outside a pub , and seen another time with Fagin , looking in at him through the window of the country cottage .
10 And mummy 's smiling in at him from the outside , look she 's hanging the washing out pretending not to notice what 's going on .
11 Around nine o'clock on what was now her third night at the Lodge she looked up from the page and saw a face at the dark window staring in at her through the rain .
12 He looked mischievously at her over the top of his paper .
13 In the early days of the band , before John arrived , he 'd beaver away at us in the pub , making us think through our attitudes We ’ d be sitting there talking about music and he 'd dive in .
14 It was only a couple coming in from the terrace , and she was about to look away again when she caught sight of a tall , stooping man standing outside and peering lugubriously at her through the glass .
15 As we walked along the track from the car park on that sparkling May morning , swifts skimmed low over our heads after swarming gnats , dainty white lady 's smock swayed in the breeze , and a little owl stared solemnly and unblinkingly at us from the fork of an oak tree .
16 ‘ Ooh la la , ’ said Nour , looking up to smile directly at me with the triumph of the creature who knows himself to be irresistible .
17 Madame Gebrec gazed earnestly at her across the table .
18 He lay grinning up at me on the water , spreadeagled on his back with his arms splayed .
19 When at last the child was comforted , Māilo looked up at me across the fire .
20 I had reached the letter " C " and as the word " Castration " looked up at me from the page I was jerked back to Rory .
21 Ellen dropped an awed curtsy , rounded eyes gazing up at him over the pile of red woollen mantle in her arms .
22 Iago looked up at him over the wine with a face suddenly bright , astonished and disarmed , and burst into a muted crow of laughter .
23 ‘ It 's hot , ’ she murmured , peeping suggestively up at him over the rim of her cup .
24 She glared up at him through the darkness , her fingers clinging to the reassuring warmth of his broad shoulders .
25 Turning around to peer up at him in the gathering darkness , Laura had no clue what he was thinking as she viewed his bland expression , which echoed the studied unconcern in his voice .
26 Lucie stared up at him from the plank floor , his eyebrows twitching with dismay .
27 " Coming out to play ? " he said , smiling up at her in the sunlight .
28 He looked up at her from the bed , his cheeks flushed with the exertions of his performance , the taps on his shoes exposed to her scrutiny .
29 He glanced up at her from the bottom of the ladder .
30 ‘ Brest ’ stared up at her from the pavement .
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