Example sentences of "[adv] do n't [pers pn] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Well do n't you think that it 's really rather improper for you to be doing this ?
2 Do n't do n't you think that there 's a conflict of interest there .
3 The other thing that 's annoying about that is it then forces you into a completely useless small conversation such as : is that so-and-so ? and they say ‘ yes ’ , and you then feel like , they say ‘ yes ’ , as much as to say ‘ Well , why did n't you know that anyway ’ , and then you feel like saying , ‘ Well why did n't you say so ! ’ and you start off on the wrong foot .
4 Why do n't we make that like a rebel fort ?
5 Er , you might just say well why do n't we pass that on to the clients , but we do n't .
6 So , why do n't we say that a rubbish dump , or Mont Blanc , or the moon , is just as complex as an aeroplane or a dog , because in all these cases the arrangement of atoms is " improbable " ?
7 Why do n't you tell that to the RAF and see where they make you sit ? ’
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