Example sentences of "[adv] do have [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It rejected the idea that the associated companies which together did have a countrywide business were in any way relevant .
2 Let Spencer help you , my dear , my youngest son always did have a good head for figures . ’
3 ‘ You always did have a gallant streak , Jimmie , ’ Randall said , skirting the crowd .
4 But I really do have a terrible head . ’
5 I do n't want you to imagine a great big long stalk , you know , but I mean they really do have a big projection from the side of the head in gesophola hetroinura , whereas in the known ancestor of that , gesopholis ulvestris , it 's head is just the same shape as any other sensible fruit fly .
6 If you do n't know who that audience is then you really do have a monumental task in front of you .
7 Ferngrove Park , with its woods and meadows and deep thickets full of secret nooks and crannies , was a place where the Brownies really did have a grand time .
8 She really did have a long way to go , and she had not yet learned to recognise the precise lineaments , the demeanour and the shape of the shadow of Stan .
9 In the end , I really did have a good time at College .
10 they really did have a proper scheme and you were paid a sort of reasonable wage
11 I did n't really believe it at first , er , and then I received couple or more phone calls from er various people in the industry who er , who were aware of it and started to congratulate me , and then I realised that it was the truth , that er I really did have a big hit record once again with Blue Velvet .
12 But the sharp and painful reactions we experience in conflict sometimes do have a definite link with experiences of time past .
13 We never did have a proper wash house at our place like some people , with a big boiler and a fire underneath for hot water .
14 We are not chiropodists , we do n't actually cut away the hard skin because that i is a chiropodist 's job , but we certainly do have a good try at trying to get rid of as much hard skin as we can .
15 I 'm conscious of the fact obviously that individual departments are taking them on board , but I think we , it is important that we actually do have a consistent approach , and it might well be that budget review at some future meeting might want to consider the monitoring of progress in order to satisfy the district auditor in future events .
16 If you were to tell me that there are people , like the man upstairs to whom you now threaten to turn yourself in , who actually do have a strong sense of themselves , I would have to tell you that they are only impersonating people with a strong sense of themselves — to which you could correctly reply that since there is no way of proving whether I 'm right or not , this is a circular argument from which there is no escape .
17 Britain , by contrast , most certainly does have a feudal past .
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