Example sentences of "[adv] do [adv] [pron] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So do n't you pay any heed to Albert 's old nonsense ! ’
2 Is n't that in do n't you have any kind of er literature
3 Why just do n't you use all the Lego , build something .
4 I burst out laughing because all the costermongers in the Whitechapel Road always did whenever they heard that word , although I admit that at the time I did n't have a clue what a virgin was .
5 Sure did n't they buy yon man Rafferty — I think that was his name - ay — they bought him out . ’
6 Now do n't you get angry ! ’ said Mrs Durbeyfield .
7 Well do n't they have cheaper ones there ?
8 Well do n't they sell those other things now then ?
9 Well do n't you want any then ?
10 Well do n't you think that 's quite appropriate ?
11 Well do n't you think embarrassing ?
12 Well do n't you like pop music or what 's your favourite ?
13 well do n't you dust any way , you should n't dust glass , image that why should you ?
14 Well do n't you look fine .
15 Well do n't you say that !
16 To be left alone , and yet did n't they deserve better ?
17 I said why did n't we have one big camp , for Christ 's sake .
18 Why did n't we have that one ?
19 but I , he says he did n't , I mean , since she 's had the chop , but between having the first and then having the twins , the second , she went back to work then at the Building Society , so she 's got a cheaper mortgage , so why did n't they pay some off then ?
20 So why did n't they do away with it altogether , or at least bury thing . ’
21 You know , because this , were they slacking in some way , why did n't they get twenty ?
22 I mean , that , very , very occasionally you 'll do something and you 'll think , erm why did n't I do that you think that 's stupid , you know ,
23 And er I can remember several cases years ag you know so going back two or three years where people were debating with me why did n't I put more into National Savings ?
24 Why did n't I steal some ?
25 Why did n't someone shoot that bastard when we were in Normandy ? ’ remarked the occupant of the bunk below me .
26 He would say she always did ask too many questions and why did n't she stay cool , tell him she loved him ?
27 Well why did n't she put that into practice by well refusing
28 Why did n't he lay concrete you ask ?
29 Secondly , when readers complain about the lives of writers — why did n't he do this ; why did n't he protest to the newspapers about that ; why was n't he more involved in life ? — are n't they really asking a simpler , and vainer , question : why is n't he more like us ?
30 Why did n't he do any features ?
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