Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are ways of abasing oneself — though Prior Robert would perhaps have managed them with better grace had things gone otherwise ! — as a means of exalting oneself .
2 The Government talk about the enlargement of the Community and apparently have included it as one of their objectives for the British presidency next year .
3 Your companion might not have made it at all . ’
4 This is where my parents and my girlfriend Mandy were really magnificent ; without them I would not have made it into 1986 .
5 ‘ Or perhaps I should not have asked you at all . ’
6 The wasp will remember exactly what to do at each burrow , according to its stage in the cycle , and the number of caterpillars it already contains , even though she may not have visited it for several days .
7 And why not have placed them for safe keeping in a pocket , satchel or valise ?
8 As his next letter , dated 11 January showed , the Spender book could not have reached me before 12 January at the earliest , and I wanted to keep to the length of an article .
9 ‘ She could not say nay ; and she must needs do his bidding ; and yet she would not have done it for all this world .
10 In a way , the most important word in the whole of that speech is probably ‘ nature ’ — ‘ I feel the link of nature draw me ’ because here now Adam is using the word nature as , I suppose , he would not have used it at any earlier point in the poem .
11 Especially when Charity and her mother had done their very best to help with a problem that need not have concerned them at all .
12 I should not have discussed it at all if I had not been asked the questions .
13 On her return to Austria , she was careful to keep her new hobby a secret from her parents , who ‘ would not have considered it at all a proper pastime for a young girl ’ .
14 The haciendas , the castles and the oast-houses would not have suited her at all .
15 Orwell would not have put it like that .
16 While a splendid Gris , the 1912 gouache-pastel-charcoal ‘ Nature morte avec bouteille et cigares ’ ( est. $300,000–400,000 ) inexplicably sold under-estimate for $280,000 ( £155,600 ) the work 's severity may not have endeared it to many people the biggest surprise was the prices paid for the Legers , which came from all points of the artist 's career .
17 My grandmother may not have delivered you at all . ’
18 ‘ Might she not have had it on crooked ? ’
19 I would normally have killed them with one strike of my talons ! ’
20 She could easily have slapped her for that remark , which was silly really , but nonetheless that was how she felt .
21 Several boys had asked her to dance but she had refused them all , afraid she might miss her chance with Pete , but he seemed not to have noticed her at all in spite of Louise 's dress .
22 Your interest in works like the B minor Mass of Bach , Beethoven 's Missa Solemnis , and such semi-sacred works as the Bruckner Fifth Symphony was said not to have endeared you to certain Party officials .
23 She would hardly have dragged her into this boutique if she had wanted a simple discussion on the weather or the price of vegetables .
24 More damning evidence came from Polly , who said she had seen her mother in Cardiff about a year previously with three children , and a day later had seen her without any .
25 Maybe , briefly , he had awakened in her a craving for the wild , the dangerous , the forbidden , but whatever had happened later had cured her of that .
26 Yeah but er it really has knocked me for six this time .
27 I have to say that nothing in my career so far has prepared me for this kind of work .
28 On another occasion , having been introduced to a pop personality at a cocktail party , his name — it was then not as celebrated outside his own world as it is now had left me within five seconds .
29 Hopefully I have learned from past mistakes and now have honed it in such a way that it has become my profession .
30 Hopefully I have learned from past mistakes and now have honed it in such a way that it has become my profession .
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