Example sentences of "[adv] in order [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , Yon reiterated his government 's oft-stated demand for negotiations with the USA alone in order to replace the current armistice agreement , in force since the ending of hostilities in 1953 , with a full peace treaty to end the Korean war .
2 In order to win an election , a party would make extravagant promises , doing so in order to outbid the other party .
3 Traditionally they had looked to the Reich to trade their lumber , wheat , furs and amber , and they had every intention of continuing to do so in order to spite the Polish state .
4 Lip tricks were less intricate then of late and were really only in order to achieve the main goals of big airs and hands plants .
5 Determined that such a calamity never be repeated , several of the survivors had banded together in order to cleanse the Fifth of all magical knowledge .
6 Bookchin responded , just in order to rescue the new environmental consciousness from itself , with the notion of Social Ecology , aiming at advancing ‘ a serious challenge to society with its vast , hierarchical , sexist , class-ruled , status appa-ratus and militaristic history ’ .
7 To start with , he generally studied the objects in his still lifes from slightly above eye-level , so that the spectator sees them in their most informative aspect ; this high viewpoint was probably assumed largely in order to limit the pictorial depth and ensure the unity of the picture surface in so far as that looking downwards on to the subject one 's eye is not allowed to wander off into limitless space .
8 It gave a great sense of shared purpose among the senior managers and staff to agree procedures and instructions quickly in order to get the critical mass of a system operational .
9 The recent shouting matches between Charles and Diana , and the revelations about Fergie and her men friends have upset her dreadfully , but have only served to strengthen her resolve that her own deep love for her children must be put aside in order to protect the royal heritage she has always made her priority .
10 Even before the slide forward has come to a stop , pull your rear guard hand back slightly in order to augment the snap punch .
11 Leaving home , getting married , going on holiday , promotion at work , starting a family , all require certain familiar routines and rhythms to be given up in order to make the most of a new situation .
12 The other was Vasiliki ware ; this marked the end of the pattern burnish technique and the beginning of a new finish , a reddish-brown wash deliberately applied unevenly in order to simulate the mottled texture of the stone vases that were at that time so fashionable in eastern Crete ( Figure 32C ) .
13 The brain had enlarged later in order to exploit the tool-making capacities of hands that were now freed from the task of locomotion .
14 Or words to that effect , right , and I realize that you have to think , think carefully in order to make the right choice , because it 's got ta be right for you and it 's also got ta be right for the property , alright ?
15 Further work needs to be carried out in order to improve the present level of constitutional , decentralized and resource concepts of accountability .
16 A policy objective was identified to reduce the crude birth rate in ten years substantially in order to spread the small family norm .
17 Today in order to meet the burgeoning demand for more and more creamy pints of Guinness , St. James 's Gate , through the recent investment of IR£200 million , has become one of the world 's most technologically advanced breweries , having the flexibility to brew virtually anything to the highest international standards .
18 The focus on the addresser , for instance a speaker or an author , constitutes the emotive function , that of expressing the addresser 's attitudes or feelings ; the focus on the addressee or receiver , the conative function , that of influencing the feelings or attitudes of the addressee ; the focus on the context , the real , external situation in which the message occurs , the referential function ; the focus on the code , as when a message elucidates a point of grammar , the metalingual function ; the focus on the means of contact , as in the case , say , of expressions inserted by one party into a telephone conversation simply in order to reassure the other party that they are both still on the line , the phatic function ; the focus on the message itself , the poetic function .
19 There could have been a greater degree of specialization , but this has been avoided here in order to emphasise the collaborative nature of many of the specialisms to be found in the production function .
20 The small war in Spain had to be fought , they argued , precisely in order to check the fascist advance before Hitler felt strong enough to launch the big war .
21 Now , however , consider what happens if we take pragmatics to be the study of the contribution of context to language understanding : suppose normally an aunt gives her nephew T , but on an occasion switches to V , then in order to predict the intended ironic or angry meaning , a pragmatic theory must have available the detailed recipe for usage that tells us that V is not the normal usage , and thus not to be taken at face value .
22 Yet in order to understand the present pattern and appearance of settlements , allowance has to be made for varying degrees of change occurring in the past .
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