Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun sg] be [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Essentially a sample is a non-verbal description and whether or not a sale is by sample depends upon the intention of the parties .
2 Clearly it will be of crucial importance in any er court proceedings because the court will have to decide whether or not an auditor was in breech of his or her duty having regard to what is on the face of the statute .
3 We suggest that the more a person is in love and the less they are able to define what it is in the other that they love , the less free is the conscious choice and the more it relates to the ‘ me in you ’ and the search for psychological wholeness through another .
4 Consent from a woman needs to be gained at every stage during sex , even once a couple are in bed .
5 As a rule , the harder a fat is at room temperature , the more saturated it is .
6 Yesterday an investigation was under way into how a syringe came into Newall 's possession in spite of his being kept alone and under special surveillance .
7 Clearly the nearer an instrument is to maturity , the less significant is the risk of capital loss ( or gain ) should interest rates rise ( or fall ) .
8 Today a couple are on trial for cruelty to a dog , which starved to death after being left in a flat in gloucester for more than a week without food or water .
9 Well a baby is on board .
10 Sometimes a girl is in conflict with her culture or religion in how she wants to dress and express herself , as Sneha ( Chapter 7 ) describes ; sometimes a young woman enjoys dressing a certain way but discovers that there are prejudices and stereotypes about the way she wants to look ; conflicts that might come from within , or from her family , her job , or the outside world .
11 Twice a month 's about right for me .
12 The Sackvilles were considerable landowners and so quite an inheritance was at stake — enough at any rate to turn Richard into the classic professional litigant before both lay and ecclesiastical courts .
13 It is sometimes found that operations to remove congenital cataracts ( soft opacities in the lens ) when a child is of school age are disappointing in that full vision is not effective because the appropriate stage in development of visual perception has been passed while the opacities were still present .
14 The limitation of this sort of food , from an animal 's point of view , is that it is only available during the short season when a plant is in flower .
15 Thus again a distinction is in principle possible between bands due to vibrations of different symmetry species ( Fig. 5.27 ) .
16 The exception is where an employee is in breach of his statutory duty and this has the effect of making the employer vicariously liable .
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