Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll ask Michael Colgan now to take us a bit further down a look at the costs .
2 Only a twitching at the edges of his vision .
3 ‘ Oh , it 's only a job at the sawmills , ’ he replied .
4 He never put in an appearance at the parents ' meeting .
5 ‘ You and I are also required to put in an appearance at the police station later , but I managed to persuade them you were n't in a fit state to answer questions right now . ’
6 ‘ P'raps not a gambler at the tables , but in other areas , eh Captain ? ’ with a wink as she looked up from her fan of cards .
7 The only person who approached me was poor Ian Smith , who came to London but was not a representative at the talks .
8 That 's always a concern at the villages , because I live in a town , I live in a small town near here , erm I 've had a lot of dealings in villages , and people who live in villages always want to have starter homes , but as soon as you put an application in for starter homes , there 's even more opposition to it , as happened down in Bleasby , Council threw that one out .
9 However , there is still a problem at the crests of the corrugations , where the gap between the valves is larger ; many brachiopods solve this particular problem by having fine , hair-like spines which cover the crests of the corrugations , and so prevent the intrusion of unwanted particles .
10 Sometimes these similarities are quite obvious : the ferocious teeth of a predatory dinosaur are a sure indication of hunting habits , with hardly a glance at the fangs of living mammalian carnivores .
11 They put up a prize at the awards ceremony they 're prepared to do all the art work for nothing or at cost price for the awards ceremony they laid on this evening for us now if three people turn up at their evening they gon na say as we putting our money in the right organisation
12 Less the arm the figure is complete in itself , but it was part of a larger whole : a four-horse team , the charioteer in the car holding the reins , possibly the dedicator as a warrior behind him on the ground or mounting , probably a groom at the horses ' heads ( a small-scale arm was found , as well as scraps of the horses ' legs and tails ) .
13 Some sole practitioners pointed out their accountants already visited twice a year at the firms ' request , but the majority complained about the cost of the proposal and queried whether or not the whole profession would be required to comply .
14 Roy Inman , manager of the British women 's team , said : ‘ I think Pierantozzi got quite a shock at the worlds in Barcelona last summer , and she wants to try and get the measure of Kate before they meet at the Olympics . ’
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