Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] [adv] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 He sheeted both sails hard in and glanced back to see the Zodiac lift high on the edge of a breaking swell .
2 Rachel followed a squealing Belinda down the steps while David walked up to the deep end , dived in and swam back to join the rest of the group .
3 He put the phone down and turned round to see the whole family looking at him , open-mouthed .
4 Getting used to acting with the voice only and knowing how to use the microphone are basic features of good radio technique .
5 The bars were then folded or twisted together and beaten out to form the central element of each face .
6 He was only a boy , hardly out of drama school and scared stiff and , by the time he 'd pulled himself together and gone back to do the right thing by her , the girl had disappeared .
7 Franca turned slightly away and began senselessly to mess the contents of the saucepan with the spoon .
8 At twenty past ten Sandison put his book away and sat back to watch the people who were walking down to the square .
9 The fragments may be eaten there and then or tucked away beside the column to be collected when the hunt is over and taken back to feed the queen and those who stayed back in camp to tend and protect her .
10 One had to start somewhere and work quickly to meet the growing social need .
11 10 October , 1903 RAYMOND ASQUITH writes to Lady Manners from Aberdeenshire : ‘ We had a storm yesterday and went out to watch the waves : I ventured too far out onto a rock and was knocked flat on my face against a granite floor by one of the biggest rollers ever seen on this coast : I never felt such a blow ; luckily I fell in a crevice and was n't washed away ; but I was stunned for a few seconds , and when I got up my face and knee were streaming with blood .
12 They dropped their kedge anchor 200 yards offshore and settled down to await the first wave of assault craft .
13 They should be detected early and recorded both to increase the awareness of the local population and to motivate prompt reaction from the international community .
14 Very quietly one gets up and goes noiselessly to check the bolt 's on the door .
15 He got up and went outside to clean the car .
16 He got up and went out to feed the rabbits .
17 True , it is a risk — many a spring in Britain has thrown a frost at us in April , even May is not unknown — but you are not going to be so daft as to muffle up and go out to do the pruning just because the date or some idiot article says the time is right .
18 The boy was pictured in a stilled movement that clearly represented the brief moment before he reached out and reached down to pluck the flower , a movement which would topple him over the edge to certain death .
19 They sat in silence until he reached Broom House , then he got out and went round to open the passenger door .
20 You leave him there and go down to check the woman is all right .
21 Dorothea sat her down and padded her in with cushions , smiled vaguely and went off to make the tea .
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