Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then awaken him gently and present him with the bill .
2 To order , please complete the coupon below and send it with a UK cheque/PO ( not cash ) to : Esquire Hip-flask Offer , Offer Number 5 and/or Esquire Binoculars Offer , Offer Number 6 , PO Box 6 , Kettering , Northants NN15 5JW .
3 Complete the coupon below and send it with a cheque/postal order made payable to Gardeners ' World Soakerhose Offer .
4 So er that was a telephone call to the divisional officer , who was available at the moment and who came down and discussed it with the employer and notwithstanding that , in the afternoon I had given the management one hour to resolve the problem otherwise there was going to be a major walkout .
5 Every mouthful made me heave , but I forced it down and chased it with a second one bought by Malc .
6 Mr and Mrs Bryant would be thrilled to have a family living in your old home once again — and , since my holiday plans have fallen through , I 'd be happy to come down and help you with the twins . ’
7 But they were quite happy to come along and discuss it with the parish council erm and .
8 While the concept of enriching teaching through the use of various and varied media , was clearly sound , there was no technology available to draw the ingredients of multimedia together and unify them with a single , practical teaching resource .
9 He looked as though a cannonball had hit him amidships and left him with a hollow chest and a permanent arch in his back .
10 Even though open systems may be able to meet requirements at a lower cost than perhaps the traditional proprietary systems , if you 've already paid for the traditional proprietary system , clearly there is no saving to be made by throwing it away and replacing it with the equivalent functionality on new technology .
11 Nigel had arranged that his son-in-law ( his daughter Caroline 's husband ) , who was living and working in Denmark , and his nephew James from California would come over and help me with the move .
12 One day he took me aside and left me with the designer , a nervous girl who always wore black .
13 This closes the opponent off and presents you with a good opportunity to continue the block into the opponent 's face .
14 If the horse suddenly starts bucking when we ride it , and we jump off and swat it with a cane ; the horse will remember , but it may remember the wrong thing .
15 Chéron took it off and replaced it with a poem by Baudelaire , considering that he had elevated the tone .
16 To me , sexuality is romance and love and poetry and beauty , not picking somebody up on the street and using each other then telling them to fuck off and burning them with a cigarette .
17 Former Glamorgan player John Derrick struck an unbeaten 30 of 21 balls to see Wales safely home and provide them with the perfect tonic for their Nat West Trophy game with Sussex at Hove next Tuesday .
18 These replies were highly satisfactory to the King , who summoned Baldwin to the Palace at 3.15 p.m. and charged him with the task of forming a Government .
19 Er and er you 'd say , well try and get on old sheet and wash it thoroughly and iron them the p cut it up and iron them with a hot iron .
20 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
21 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
22 Even with concussion she had struggled up and hit him with a frying pan .
23 Phrases leapt up and hit him with a force which was almost physical .
24 You then place it in the neck of a balloon and blow it up and tie it with the piece of paper inside .
25 Greg is lying on one of the Palace 's luxuriant couches , gesticulating wildly and fixing me with a stare that is part ultimate artistic earnestness and part repressed pathological violence .
26 A hard-faced young man stepped out and engaged him with a fixed stare .
27 A letter from G. Espin to Councillor Fraser re the waste of public money in erecting a new wire fence on the footpath between Baberton Mains Estate and Juniper Green and in a few days ripping it out and replacing it with a chestnut type wooden fence .
28 Well you could always tear the pages o pages out and stick them with the receipts .
29 Was there another car ahead , waiting to pull out and sandwich them with the Peugeot coming up behind ?
30 Perhaps the rage and common decency of the British people will vent itself in the near future where it has not in the past and finally get this Government out and replace it with a more caring one .
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