Example sentences of "[adv] i do n't [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 and the thread bit on I do n't do it all the time look you 've got half a sense mind half a strong common sense
2 Would you rather I did n't read it ?
3 Mm , funnily enough I do n't like it in there well I suppose I might get something in
4 I won er two only I did n't get it .
5 I have a pedigree too , you know , only I do n't flash it about . ’
6 It feels like whoring sometimes , only I do n't do it for myself , except once or twice to save my life . ’
7 Do what the hell you like with it , only I do n't want it being a bloody millstone round my neck .
8 ‘ It 's when I look down I do n't like it . ’
9 Well no , that was another thing more or less as I was coming out the door they 'd got the news thing on and this was Australia the new prime minister , I do n't know his name , he 's running down I did n't hear it properly but I heard the gist of it , erm and it
10 Perhaps I did n't press it hard enough .
11 do n't be silly , no I thought it looked better at this other bit , this butcher 's , it looked leaner , but erm it was n't perhaps , perhaps I did n't cook it enough yesterday , drink your drink
12 Well , perhaps I did n't mean it quite like that .
13 my coffee 's got cold , that has n't stayed warm very long has it ? , perhaps I did n't heat it up hot enough to start with , I 'll warm it up a bit .
14 Personally I do n't think it is traditions which are weighing them down but the fact that they have no support at home .
15 They 've been touring and doing the same thing for forty , fifty years and nothing has changed for them , and so I do n't think it 's a real resurgence in the US , but it 's great to see it happening over here . ’
16 So I do n't think it 's anything we should worry about , do you ? ’
17 So I do n't think it 's a case of geese and ganders , I think it 's a case of distinguishing between the different strategic policies that apply .
18 Well it looks like an arrow 's gone through it so I do n't think it would work .
19 and then , that week , he sell 's ten pence a can , then the following week he still bought it ten pence , following week it goes up to eighteen pence , but he 's still selling what , so I do n't think it , I think .
20 So I do n't think it matters .
21 So I do n't think it 'll be long before his crawling forwards .
22 So I do n't think it 's worth like that .
23 I 've not got a P in the anagram so I do n't think it can start with
24 erm so I do n't think it 's fair to erm to bring that one in really .
25 There is still quite a lot of opposition , so I do n't think it 's , it 's a certainty , but I would certainly very much hope and believe that this is the will of God for the Church and that , that it will happen .
26 so I do n't suppose it 's cost us any more
27 I know what you girls are like , you say you 'll just have it short to see what it looks like , and then you say Pedro at the salon wo n't let you grow it just for the moment , and then you say you 've got to look your best for some wedding or other and you ca n't go with it straggly and then you end up not growing it again and if I do n't mention it every week you think I 've learned to like it and if I do mention it every week you think I 'm nagging so I do n't mention it and I 'm stuck with it .
28 so I do n't do it now till
29 By the way , the overall winner , so I do n't make it too I B M , was of course , Body Shop International .
30 So I do n't want it to depend so much on last minute sales .
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