Example sentences of "[adv] it [vb mod] also [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it should also be remarked that algebraic type D solutions do not necessarily have horizons rather than singularities , a counterexample being one of the degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez ( 1987 b ) solutions .
2 Perhaps it could also be blamed on having flicked past hundreds of dull photos of them in The Scots Magazine over the years , showing old men with their shirt sleeves rolled up , pointing at some rolling , lumpy , big hills with the caption reading , ‘ The mighty Cairngorms are a sight for sore eyes in any rambler 's book ’ .
3 Moreover it can also be used to pinpoint any archaeological finds by giving accurate latitude and longitude positions .
4 So I hope you see , that this Aldershot method which several people have mentioned is is a very effective way of structuring what you do here it can also be used very simply in in a meeting just to be able to put your point across simply but effectively .
5 If German anti-Semitism was the ‘ bastard child of the union between German nationalism and Christian anti-Semitism ’ then it must also be said that German nationalism was the offspring of military ambition and industrialisation .
6 Yet it might also be argued that the major political parties ensured that , despite the attention which Mosley attracted , the fascists were going to be marginalized .
7 French sorrel grows easily from seed sown outdoors in mid-spring , when it may also be planted .
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