Example sentences of "[adv] it [vb mod] [not/n't] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore it can not be assumed that all RDS information will be received accurately at all times .
2 Obviously it 'll not be done for the launch but he 's made a smart job of it it looks really smart done it in yellow , erm and really later on this week I 'm just tidying up , I 've got to go and see F I B just to make sure everything 's in place with them in the mounted section and really this time a week tomorrow it 'll be launched .
3 So it ca n't be used .
4 This broad sense should include the ironic , metaphoric and implicit communicative content of an utterance , and so it can not be restricted to the conventional content of what is said .
5 However , the coefficients of this model are unknown , and so it can not be used in the empirical investigation of the risk premium .
6 ’ — And so it can not be allowed to occur .
7 It had got rid of this , the old order and new power relations had been established and so it should n't be regarded so much as an economic failure but as a profound political and social reform , which is an important step towards the Party 's ultimate aim of communism , and going back to the beginning of my paper that how that they had always seen industrialization as a means to an end and that how that socialism and ultimately communism could only be achieved through stages and so that , although it was an economic failure , it was a sort of a social
8 So we 'd want to put an embargo note on this release , so it could n't be used prematurely .
9 Thus it should not be assumed that older patients with ulcerative colitis have weaker sphincters than younger patients .
10 The court took the view that since the contract was formed at the reception desk , the notice in the bedroom did not form part of the contract , thus it could not be relied upon by the hotel as excluding liability .
11 Thus it can not be stressed too strongly that the process of transforming publicly available information artefacts into information that is directly usable with minimal resource expenditure by the strategic decision maker is almost always a very difficult and demanding job requiring a considerable amount of intelligence , training and expertise .
12 Thus it can not be expected that a consideration of the species present in an assemblage will identify the predator responsible for bringing it together even for large sample sizes ( Mason & Macdonald , 1980 ) .
13 This includes knowing what time of day to take it , how long you should continue taking it ( just until you feel better or until the end of the full course ? ) , whether or not it has any side-effects ( such as drowsiness ) , and whether or not it should not be taken in conjunction with certain foods or alcohol .
14 Meanwhile it should not be thought that no one is doing research into the uses of the printed book .
15 Begin keeping a record of all events at this point ; hopefully it wo n't be needed , but if it is you 've made a good start .
16 Also it can not be left inside the premises each night without a good deal of work to rearrange the production floor to accommodate it .
17 Also it should not be assumed that the vendor will wish solely to extract the profit from the company .
18 Clearly this can not be a process completed during initial training but equally clearly it can not be attributed to the sole responsibility of academic or in-service courses .
19 Since the whole process took only a few seconds for each blank and the woman was working full-time it could not be denied that this woman knew , from her own sensory experience , a great deal about the making of magnets .
20 Ann Smith , who was at junior school in Haltwhistle , Northumberland , remembers : ‘ I know I felt really sad but the thought of a Coronation cheered me up a little bit until I found out it would not be held until the following year .
21 And just as the Spirit can not be equated with any property in man , equally it can not be regarded as the stuff of which the world is made , the comprehensive life principle which integrates the universe , as the Stoics maintained — a view which , through pagan philosophical influence , crept into the inter-testamental books of the Apocrypha .
22 The judge declined to find that any of the information contained in the blue book bore the stamp of confidentiality within the criteria laid down in Faccenda Chicken , ie it could not be described as a trade secret or anything approximating thereto .
23 Well it wo n't be wiped off dear .
24 Well it ca n't be helped .
25 Well it ca n't be used for fox hunting now .
26 Well it should n't be done anyway .
27 But the horses proved so wild it could n't be done .
28 And if it 's not referenced here it may not be referenced anywhere else .
29 Although a common form of procedure for research is being recommended here it should not be thought for one moment that a hard and fast programme is being suggested to which every research enquiry should conform .
30 As has been said , technically , it need not be raised in disagreeing with Ormrod J. , but surely it can not be avoided .
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