Example sentences of "[adv] it [modal v] [be] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 He exhibits a number of adjectives which differ in precisely the way required while maintaining the same or essentially the same lexical value ( we modify his examples slightly where it is possible to do so without damage to his case , so as to make the distinction sharper ) : ( 19 ) visible stars vs stars visible the only navigable rivers vs the only rivers navigable a handy tool vs are your tools handy ? guilty people vs people guilty As it happens , the examples which Bolinger uses employ words which can make the distinction a rather subtle one , with perhaps the exception of visible stars ( a group recognized astronomically ) beside stars visible ; but it is quite easy to produce further instances which seem to confirm his view : ( 20 ) a complaining visitor vs a visitor complaining the eligible bachelor vs the bachelor eligible In other cases , the divergence of lexical value between the two positions may be greater but still with the characteristic value for the former , and the occasion value for the latter : ( 21 ) the responsible man vs the man responsible a sorry sight vs the girl is sorry He notes that the acceptability of an adjective in pre-adjunct position may apparently depend on whether or not it can be regarded as indicating a relatively enduring characteristic of what is expressed by the noun , as in : ( 22 ) the faint girl vs the girl is faint an asleep man vs a man asleep This possibility of course depends not only on the adjective itself but also on the nature of the noun being qualified , so that " when one scratches one 's head the result is not *a scratched head but when one scores a glass surface the result is a scratched surface " .
2 Now it might be argued as was done by Kant , for example — that the idea of a non-arbitrary , objective , order is built into the very concept of an external object ; that one can not significantly refer to external objects qua external without acknowledging by implication the existence of such an order ; and in a sense this is of course true .
3 If it 's a big discharge which is perhaps on a Royal Commission standard and it is consistently turning out say a 30 BOD and a 40 solids then it can be regarded as harmful and one would press for improvement to be carried out . …
4 Burgess himself stated that its creation was specific to one city — Chicago , however even then it can be seen as too simplistic .
5 Again it should be seen as close and calculated that the shawl which wraps the head in shame at first , becomes at last a green emblem of mercy .
6 There are many reasons why it may be regarded as helpful to gather information about a child 's language , and the uses to which any formal assessment results may be put will influence decisions about how assessments can best be carried out .
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