Example sentences of "[adv] to be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 How jarring it seemed then that , at the consecration , reference had necessarily to be made to the man Jesus of Nazareth : he had to take centre stage .
2 ‘ It is riveting stuff , especially to be treated to the first performance of a production that has attracted such rave reviews .
3 The PCD secretariat then carries the investigation forward with the provision that , if the matter proves to be significant enough to be referred to the Investigation Committee , the ARC will be informed so that it can consider the case further .
4 The client invariably had to make up his own mind , that is if he was lucky enough to be alerted to the exact opportunity .
5 Among his achievements at Chelsea were some pineapples considered fine enough to be presented to the King by Sir Hans Sloane .
6 Staff at the centre say they 'll care for the animals until they 're strong enough to be returned to the wild .
7 The military road also connected with Fort William and offers walkers a splendid route at a high level but skirting the mountains , greatly to be preferred to the bus service .
8 When Nichols brought Dustin along to be introduced to the mogul in his imposing New York office , Levine , after greeting Nichols , turned to Dustin and said , ‘ The windows are over there . ’
9 The completed cross-cut now meant that water needed only to be lifted to the level and allowed to run out to day .
10 Many of them go through the freedom of Grendon , only to be returned to the rough and tumble of ordinary jails to finish their sentences .
11 On the other hand , in so far as general provisions such as Articles 100 and 235 may be used in this area , national competence would appear only to be excluded to the extent that the Community has enacted legislation .
12 In most fields the nineteenth century was the age of the textbook , such as Thomas Thomson 's in chemistry and Lyell 's in geology , where successive editions made the earlier ones obsolete ; the plates that survive usefully are perhaps to be compared to the very few classic books like the Origin of Species which go on selling .
13 The idea that modernity is problematic has caused sufficient anxiety about the modern world for its use no longer to be restricted to the universities and classrooms but to spill out into the everyday culture .
14 For the past two years , the West Midlands police have been reinvestigating the Birmingham pub bombings , the results are soon to be sent to the crown prosecution service .
15 President Mitterrand inaugurated France 's high-speed train service between Paris and Lille , soon to be extended to the Channel tunnel .
16 He is an expert in Package Dyeing ; a method which is soon to be introduced to the dyehouse as part of the new expansion scheme .
17 THStyme currently distributes around 2,000 IBM PS/2- , Mac- and Sparcsystem-compatible line items , including configure-to-order personal computers , value added accessories , disk drives , scanners , memory and monitors — with cut-price , Russian-produced streamers and printers soon to be added to the product line .
18 Malcolm Hulke was a creator of Pathfinders , while Terry Nation , a close friend of Dennis Spooner , had contributed a sf script to ABC TV for a series called Out of this World , script-edited by Irene Shubik , soon to be brought to the BBC herself by Sydney Newman to helm his adult science fiction anthology series Out of the Unknown , destined for the new channel , BBC 2 .
19 from the beginning , the partners set out to offer a global service , establishing a European and North American network of associated consultancies , shortly to be extended to the far East .
20 For instance , a letter to me from the Highways Department mentions a Forrest Road — Lothian St. cycletrack , which it says has had preliminary approval from the Transportation Committee and was ‘ shortly to be forwarded to the Department 's design and construction staff for detailing the works ’ .
21 This small fort dates from 1614 and is shortly to be opened to the public as a military museum .
22 If people have very little choice in matters of housing then the details of planning and the execution of policy become very important , and are not just to be left to the ‘ experts ’ .
23 This new approach , it seemed , was not to be made so publicly , not to be exposed to the expedient treason of little devious minds far removed from the battlefields on which honest men met , and contended , and killed one another without malice .
24 These are not to be connected to the other compartments .
25 It was a long game , and despite his dogged determination not to be shuffled to the sidelines Edward , naturally , was not privy to all the machinations .
26 A very quick try , 2 penalty kicks and Gloucester seemed not to be coasting to the win , but a very unlikely defeat .
27 THE take-over of Dan-Air parent company Davies and Newman by British Airways is not to be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , it was announced yesterday .
28 For example , meteorological in the phrase meteorological expert can be , and will be , restrictive but , as we have shown in Chapter 2 , it is not to be ascribed to the entity of its head noun ; quite generally , there is not the least problem about using an associative adjective restrictively .
29 Not to be invited to the waltz ?
30 To quote Bentham , ‘ The liberty of the press has its inconveniences , but the evil which may result from it is not to be compared to the evil of censorship ’ .
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