Example sentences of "[adv] to the [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The experimental study of heredity led Bateson to breeding studies and soon to the newly rediscovered laws of Mendelian heredity .
2 Tiring of the ceaseless flow of enthusiasm from Lionisers , Angelina wandered over to the proudly displayed visitors ' book .
3 How better to release it than to ritually carve the sacred pattern each year , close to the slowly fading illuminations of earlier ceremonies .
4 Beckmann was a latecomer to modernism ; it was not until after the First World War that he turned noticeably to the sharply outlined Expressionism that came to typify his work .
5 ( n contrast both to the genetically based view of literary history which tends to ignore questions of form , and to other formally-biased approaches which tend to ignore history , the Russian Formalist view is that it is history itself which allows the specificity of literature to be established .
6 Some countries are keener on being cleaner than others and it has been left up to the badly affected states of Europe to set the best example .
7 As Speaker O'Neill forcibly pointed out to the newly elected President Carter , tactics that had worked in the relatively sedate politics of Georgia were unlikely to be effective in Washington .
8 They first describe the work of love as a double edged activity with positive and negative effect — purging sin and kindling the heart , clearing the soul and removing anger and sloth , wounding in love and fulfilling with charity , chasing off the devil and extinguishing fear — and then level out to the strongly stressed affirmation which defines the positive potential of the negative statement in chapter one " he hase noght Jhesu Criste , he tynes all he has , and all he es , and all he myght gete " ( 85.19 – 21 ) for he that has " Jhesu " grows through prayer to the fulfilment of human potential : heaven is open to him and he is made a " contemplatif man " .
9 Will Douglas ordered Scott of Rankilburn to go back to the now blazing village , the cottage thatches burning readily , and round up a crowd of men , women and children .
10 Following the report of its working group , recommendations concerning this were passed on to the newly appointed UKCC on its inception in July 1983 .
11 His advice to companies would be to try to make the costs of all types of accidents visible as a first step to targeting prevention , and the obvious way would be to put down the costs on to the already established cost centres within a company .
12 There are few examples of their being scattered extensively and repeatedly used within a single text ; where this does happen , as for instance in Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin , the practice can readily be justified by its thematic significance ( on which see further below ) , as again can be seen to be the case with the cornucopia of excrement that Robin drops on to the deservedly victimized Jouglet .
13 The retinue accompanied Corbett and Ranulf out of Leith and on to the now darkening track to Winburgh.They exchanged insults with Ranulf and then turned back .
14 The exhibition moves on to the recently refurbished Guggenheim Museum in New York on 9 September .
15 In a smart piece of improvisation , worthy of his Whitbread Round the World Race background , Williams sheeted the mainsail on to the leeward running backstay so that the mainsheet could be unloaded .
16 In the Russian Federation , for instance , the Tatar Republic adopted a declaration of independence in October 1991 and declared its intention of affiliating independently to the newly established Commonwealth .
17 The Life of Udalric of Augsburg refers lyrically to the specially composed chants which were performed at the Palm Sunday services on the hill called ‘ Perleihc ’ by the canons and boys of Augsburg cathedral .
18 I notice that another strongly anti-European Labour Back-Bench Member is giving the lie yet again to the newly found Europeanism of the Labour Front Bench .
19 She had been impressed by the view , the quite breath-taking view , from the headland of Posillipo round to the curiously named Egg Castle , a box of brown stone on its rocky promontory in the Bay and on farther to the Sorrento Peninsula beyond .
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