Example sentences of "[adv] have been [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To insist upon the inquest in these circumstances could only have been for the purpose of procuring a rapping over the knuckles in public of that authority and/or a convenient means of obtaining evidence for a subsequent claim against it .
2 The women complained that the officer could only have been on the housing list for a few weeks , while they had waited for periods of between eighteen months and four years .
3 Her young men hitherto had been in the City , or in advertising , chartered accountancy , or even television .
4 The house alone had been like a dream come true after the two-bedroomed flat on the outskirts of Stirling where she and her mother had lived in near penury for the past seven years since Shiona 's father 's death .
5 But if these light rays were swallowed up by the black hole , then they could not have been on the boundary of the black hole .
6 Parish council chairman Brian Biddiscombe said Miss Harrison and her friends should not have been on the bridge .
7 ‘ Well — if he hated the massacre , he should not have been at the battle . ’
8 His parental maxim , ‘ if you do not serve others , you will not have been worth the upbringing ’ , is reflected in her dedication to a life of service to humanity .
9 But when a lawyer asserts that A can sue B , what he means is that A can sue B , successfully ; if he meant his words to be taken literally , they would not have been worth the uttering .
10 On the other hand , it is conceivable that he would not have been in a position to appreciate the differences very clearly .
11 Since Soissons was part of Belgica Secunda it is argued that Clovis could not have been in a position to claim his father 's authority over that province until Syagrius and his kingdom had been destroyed .
12 I must confess , my dear Fanny ( his sister ) , that I found your judgement of him was inadequate ; perhaps , too , he may not have been in the mood for playing when you heard him , which is probably often the case ; but I was again enchanted by his playing , and I am convinced that if you , and Father too , had heard some of his best things in the way he played them to me , you would say the same .
13 Save for this fluke I could not have been in the position in which I now found myself .
14 He said the entrance should not have been in the centre , but a little door should have been built at one side .
15 The only other proviso is that the creation of the second spreadsheet program should not have been in the contemplation of the licensed user when decompiling the original program , otherwise the permitted objective of decompilation might be compromised .
16 McCallan said : ‘ I may not have been in the game a lot until I got my goal , but that made it up for it . ’
17 Fortunately the incident took place during the school holidays , otherwise I would not have been in the garden later in the morning , when a cock started crowing .
18 Catherine was so quiet that she might as well not have been in the room and it occurred to him that he must train her to make some unobtrusive signal to him when she thought he was missing something .
19 Rhodri was still muttering , unwilling to give up his customary pessimism , but he might as well not have been in the room with them , he counted for so little at this moment .
20 It is true that his young contemporaries , like Edmond Burke and Oliver Goldsmith and indeed later generations of great Irish writers like Maria Edgeworth , Oscar Wilde , Dion Boucicault , W. B. Yeats and George Bernard Shaw , may not have been in the habit of regularly frequenting pubs .
21 One of the most important impacts of The Brow should thus have been on the content and dissemination of subsequent official guidance on residential road layout .
22 Why , Edward wondered , did Brackenbury speak yesterday of being off-duty on Thursday when he must already have been on the point of resigning his post ?
23 The Premier could just as easily have been on the slalom — ducking and diving as MPs taunted him over the Exchange Rate Mechanism fiasco .
24 That 's sounds very reasonable but I I er I I ha not having been at the level , form tutor
25 I sometimes think they have a neurosis about not having been in the blitz . ’
26 erm It 's sometimes a little bit daunting to go to a school , particularly if you happen perhaps to have hated school yourself and not to have been near a school for a long time , got away from it as soon as you could when you were younger .
27 I would have been quite happy just to have been on the bench for the entire championship but , as it turned out , I had another big incentive in that as Gary might not play for the rest of the Five Nations there would be four internationals available if I proved good enough ’ .
28 Coventry , however , claim the queues were caused by late-arriving supporters , and that there is no way Clarkson can have arrived at 2.15 and not have been in the ground by 3.10 .
29 ‘ He always has been in the past , so the Abwehr have found .
30 He told delegates he believed the case for strong trade unions was as compelling now as it was when the TUC first met 125 years ago , ‘ or ever has been in the history of our country . ’
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