Example sentences of "[adv] be made [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although some progress has since been made by the meticulous work of the late Sir Ian Richmond and Roger Goodburn , it has been on too small a scale to support any attempt at a chronology of the history of the site .
2 The Kitemark on a product will indicate that it has not only been made to a published specification , but that it has been independently tested by BSI as well .
3 The return to Shiel Bridge can only be made along the same road .
4 Therefore they need only be made at a higher level of aggregation and should highlight potential peaks and troughs .
5 Action : Updates may only be made to the latest approved baseline for the specified root package — the discrepancy must be resolved manually
6 Application may only be made by a foreign lawyer , i.e. a person who is not an English ( or Welsh ) solicitor or barrister but who is a member , and entitled to practise as such , of a legal profession regulated within a jurisdiction outside England and Wales .
7 Further changes to this DC may only be made by the new user associated with it .
8 Where the debtor has been adjudged bankrupt or is a company which is being wound up or in relation to which an administration order is in force , the application can only be made by the official receiver , the trustee of the bankrupt 's estate , the liquidator or the administrator or , with the leave of the court , by a victim of the transaction .
9 An order may only be made against the legal aid fund if : ( a ) an order for costs would be made in any event ; ( b ) the proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the unassisted party would suffer severe financial hardship unless an order were made ; and ( c ) in any case the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable for the costs to be paid out of public funds ( Legal Aid Act 1988 , s18(4) ) .
10 Indeed , in the early stages of the contest much was made of the lightweight nature of the public support Heseltine received ( it was not until the run up to the second ballot , when Mrs Thatcher was out of the race , that he received public support from Lawson and Howe ) .
11 Need has been variously defined , but in this study needs were deemed to be unmet if interventions were acceptable to the client and the following applied : ( a ) for activities of daily living a person was dependent on help from the carer and this dependence could be reversed by provision of an aid ; ( b ) for communication disorders there had not been an assessment by a speech therapist ; ( c ) for services ( day care , respite care ) a referral had not been made to the appropriate agency and subsequent referral proved successful ; and ( d ) for benefits the client or carer was unaware of eligibility for benefits , an application had not been made , and subsequent application was successful .
12 Parliament granted a tax of a sixteenth , and in return it was promised that the perambulations of Edward I should be confirmed , and that new perambulations should be made before Christmas in the forests where they had not been made in the previous reign .
13 Of the second wave of Irish films gearing up for release , only one has not been made by a British director .
14 Comment has already been made on the continuing changes within the industry .
15 Reference has already been made to the two former colleges of education within the Principality .
16 Reference has already been made to the alarming evidence obtained by United Nations investigators in Iraq .
17 Reference has already been made to the heavy penalties imposed for waste , assart and purpresture , and in respect of agistment , escapes and the lawing of dogs .
18 The formal decision on industrialisation had already been made at the Fourteenth Party Congress in 1925 ; therefore the Fifteenth Congress could be claimed to be merely a continuation of previous policies .
19 Mention has already been made of the many Home Corners with more than one ‘ room ’ .
20 Mention has already been made of the eight-petalled rosette , and its appearance in at least two of the small , tangent squares in North Hill , mosaic B ; but this can hardly be considered an important association .
21 Mention has already been made of the inexorable movement of the 1960s ‘ baby boom ’ through schooling age during the 1970s to entry into higher education and the labour force in the 1980s .
22 In the case of a company limited by shares , normally the only liability imposed on a shareholder as such will be to pay up the nominal value of the shares and any premium in so far as payment has not already been made by a previous holder .
23 The suggestion of a ‘ social contract ’ between States had already been made in the first half of the seventeenth century by Grotius .
24 There is , moreover , one piece of evidence which appears to put beyond question the pre-eminence of Fahreddin Acemi in the period following the conquest , namely the circumcision celebration for Mehmed II's two sons , held in Edirne in 861/1457 , to which reference has already been made in the previous chapter .
25 Well , that very technological breakthrough has just been made by a British company .
26 I agree with his conclusion that , although the power to release a life prisoner on licence is conferred by section 61(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 on the Secretary of State , the decisions leading to that release , including the decision as to the period to be served by the prisoner for the purposes of retribution and deterrence , may properly and lawfully be made by a junior minister in the Home Department .
27 Application should normally be made to the appropriate education authority for grant aid before 1 June of the year in which the student wishes to enter a course , even though at that time the student may not have been offered a place .
28 These reports will normally be made in the early months of each financial year , allowing the inclusion of outturn information relating to the financial year just ended .
30 ( 2 ) It is generally acceptable to state that an offer will not be made for a particular period of time .
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