Example sentences of "[adv] be [vb pp] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Nucella , this has only been observed at the upper end of the scale .
2 If you have any queries about reception or frequency please ring our special radio Helpline on 0345 010313 during office hours — you 'll only be charged at the local rate .
3 ‘ A national ambition that can only be realised at the European level . ’
4 But this can only be done at the international airport and with the original exchange receipts .
5 ‘ No , sire , a vote on the constitution , which can only be taken at the annual general meeting . ’
6 The first is where the whole of the programme is provided by and taught at a major centre , as in the case of Bristol Polytechnic ; the second is where the first year is provided extra-murally at a number of associated centres , while the second year only is provided at the main centre , as the case of Portsmouth Polytechnic ; and the third is where both the first and second years are provided at the main and associate centres as at Plymouth Polytechnic and Cornwall Technical College , Camborne .
7 The need to build on that which had already been achieved at the primary stage appeared to be still undervalued .
8 Some 100,000 tickets had already been sold at the new , low fare , in Britain and America , before the government ruling .
9 ‘ It has already been used at the International Children 's Festival in Inverleith , the Meadows Festival and the Royal Highland Show .
10 That was what happened in 1984 when Renault 's Formula 1 programme fell into disarray the season after it had just been pipped at the final post by the Brabham-BMW team .
11 Japan 's status as an economic superpower will shortly be marked at the International Monetary Fund and its surpluses , built on the voracious consumer , speak for themselves .
12 Or why not just be pampered at the superb Health and Beauty Centre located by the deluxe Villa del Parco .
13 THE Treasury could receive a substantial boost to tax revenues next month because of attempts to take income before April 5 so that it would not be taxed at the Labour party 's threatened high rates .
14 In the opinion of Melanie Clore there is no reason to believe that such prices could not be repeated at the present time .
15 It was a representation , in effect , as to the future , namely , that payment of the rent would not be enforced at the full rate but only at the reduced rate .
16 Thank you sir , er Mr has mentioned the disagreement er the potential disagreement between Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils , what happens may I ask , if that er disagreement can not be resolved at the local lev level , is the Minister called in ?
17 Most importantly the hotel gains a security system whose cards can not be copied at the local locksmith .
18 But these protests should not be aimed at the Vice Chancellors .
19 The Crown is amenable to declarations but a declaration can not be awarded at the interim stage of proceedings ; so the effect of the rule is that interim relief is not available in actions against the Crown in which the remedy sought is mandamus or a declaration .
20 We have farms with dioxin-contaminated milk which must be transferred to the west midlands , where it is not being destroyed at the proper temperature , so dioxin is being spread in the west midlands .
21 There are many problems associated with the use of teaching accommodation that are probably not unique to Oxford Polytechnic : for example , bunching of teaching in the middle of the week with under-use of rooms on Monday and Friday , and rooms not being used at the booked times .
22 Further , some opponents hoped that , even if the bills passed through Parliament , they would still be lost at the subsequent referenda .
23 Such issues should , as currently occurs in most tax cases , always be litigated at the public expense .
24 Philip Drew had also been seen at the relevant time by a stagehand .
25 A new Church of England Church had also been erected at the southern end of Sutton Lane , and was named St. Michael 's as the money for it had been realised by the sale of St. Michael 's Church in Burleigh Street , London , which had been associated with St. Martins-in-the-Fields .
26 The consequences of these same changes can also be seen at the other end of the life course , in old age .
27 However , bargaining structures may also be compared at the disaggregated industry or workplace levels which vary greatly within countries as well as between them .
28 The Draft Structure Plan document will also be considered at the following meetings : —
29 The nucleosomes are composed of two molecules each of H2A , H2B , H3 and H4 , whereas H1 and its variants do not form part of the nucleosome probably being localized at the internucleosomal level ( 2 ) .
30 Small local exhibitions are also being held at the following locations and staff will be available at selected times to answer your questions .
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