Example sentences of "[adv] be [vb pp] [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Held , dismissing the appeal , that to sustain a plea of autrefois convict a defendant had to prove not only that he had already been found guilty of the offence charged by a court of competent jurisdiction , either by the decision of the court or verdict of the jury or entry of his own plea of guilty , but also that the court had finally disposed of the case by passing sentence or making some other order ; that since the proceedings on the first indictment had been discontinued before sentence had been passed there had been no final adjudication and the defendant had properly been convicted on the second indictment ; but that , in all the circumstances , particularly having regard to the lapse of time between trial and determination of the appeal to the Judicial Committee , it would be appropriate for the death sentence to be commuted ( post , pp. 931D–E , 935H ) .
2 Exchange rates had only been adjusted as a last resort by deficit and surplus countries , and so were not used speedily enough to prevent prolonged payments imbalances and exchange rate crises .
3 The recommendation for deportation had apparently been added as a last minute after thought , without any proper inquiry .
4 The biggest change has come within the ranks of the SDLP where Martin Bradley , Mark Durkan , Kathleen McCloskey , Margaret McCartney and Wilfred White have all been elected for the first time and Pat Ramsey makes a return to the Council chamber having reclaimed the seat he lost in 1989 .
5 It 's two thousand rose plants have all been replaced over the last six years .
6 Nearly all the leading contenders have all been eliminated over the last year or so .
7 Underpinning should only be accepted as a last resort when all other reasonable options have been considered .
8 The significance of the defeat on Monday of Ken Livingstone , Brent East MP , could only be calculated for the first time yesterday when the detailed voting figures were published .
9 Although the time it takes an egg to travel from the ovary to the womb can be five to eight days , the egg itself can only be fertilised in the first 6–24 hours following ovulation .
10 While accepting that wage cuts were theoretically advisable , Keynes at first argued that they should only be attempted as a last resort , after all other remedies had failed .
11 The new information on the inefficiency of bleach , alongside the trends indicated by our London data , suggests that household bleach should only be recommended as a last resort in the absence of sterile syringes and only then at full strength ( 5.25% sodium hypochlorite ) .
12 A blanket punishment such as detention of a whole class must only be used as a last resort , otherwise people who are quite innocent may be detained incorrectly or unlawfully . ’
13 Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort ; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient .
14 ‘ It must only be used as a last resort . ’
15 Physical restraint should only be used as a last resort .
16 Stubborn deposits may require application of organic solvents such as acetone or petroleum ether , but as these have harmful effects on skin and may also dissolve or harden the window sealing gaskets , they should only be used as a last resort .
17 Two decrees were issued by the Labour Ministry on Jan. 10 , 1990 , ( i ) announcing a nationwide 16 per cent wage increase for workers in state enterprises , stating that this was within the framework of the economic recovery programme ; and ( ii ) stating that strikes might legally be called by trade union committees or mass meetings of workers but that notice should be given to both the employer and the ministry and that strike action should only be used as a last resort .
18 Government regulation should only be used as a last resort , and even then operated with " a light touch " , the Institute argues .
19 In general this rule should only be used as a last resort in legal proceedings over a contract where the parties have failed to make an express provision as to the status of implied terms .
20 And it says that compulsory redundancy will only be used as a last resort .
21 The council , he says , is committed to achieving the financial savings within the current financial year but that compulsory redundancy will only be used as a last resort .
22 In some subjects these new methods have led to so radical a change in the content of the syllabus that the effects will necessarily be felt in the sixth form and in all further and higher education .
23 The distinguished archaeologist Professor Lord Renfrew , member of English Heritage 's own Ancient Monuments Advisory committee , revealed that its opinion had not been sought until the third week of November when it finally was called for a formal meeting with Jocelyn Stevens .
24 Such pains and miseries as they did not feel , they acted out : acting , indeed , at this level of ham had not been seen since the last World Cup , or the Peter O'Toole Macbeth .
25 Dreams came true in many ways ; some made strokes which had not been played for the last 20 years , others took catches and some ran threes .
26 He had ten varieties of carrot in the ground when I visited , including a purple carrot that has not been grown since the eighteenth century .
27 The second round of voting on May 8 allocated most of the 134 seats which had not been decided in the first round [ see p. 38887 ] , and confirmed the electoral victory of supporters of President Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani .
28 Later , in the 1860s , Persigny remarked to the Emperor that the charges on the civil list were enormous — to which Napoleon III replied that had so much money not been allotted in the first place he would have been unable to fulfil all the demands which were made upon him .
29 The trophy for the ladies open has not been engraved for the last few years .
30 On 2 February 1799 Parson Woodforde , by then in Norfolk , wrote in his diary : ‘ Such severe weather has not been known for the last sixty years till the present ’ .
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