Example sentences of "[adv] be [vb pp] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the positioning of players seems wrong and choice of instruments has presumably been dictated by the need for variety in a tiny space ( the original is quite small ) much remains plausible .
2 The plaintiffs contended that they had thereby been deprived of the opportunity to bid for H.F. Co. but pill J. rejected their claim because while the law certainly allowed a freedom to bid for property that was neither a ‘ business asset ’ of the plaintiffs ' nor a legal right which the law would protect .
3 Attention has quite justifiably been drawn to the fact that we have not had anything in the way of a Teachers ' Forum for some years .
4 According to the outgoing editor , Mr Peter Stanford , she also has glamour of a kind that has rarely been seen in the paper 's musty offices .
5 Now , all of those criticisms come about on the work that 's been done which has mostly been done on the recognition of characters and letters .
6 These have mostly been calculated from the speed and force needed to embed swords in wooden hulled ships and boats ; a speed of 57.6 miles per hour ( 92.7 kilometres per hour ) has been calculated from a penetration of 22 inches .
7 The data have mostly been provided by the organisations themselves .
8 I always thought the dropping of litter showed a lack of environmental relationship awareness , but could it also be linked with the " defacing " thing in that cities , streets with paving-slabs etc. are sensed by the human as too perfect and devoid of the texturous imperfections that make up the multi-levelled human life experience ?
9 I thought of life as the Whirlpool of Corrievrikin , where all men struggle helplessly and eventually are sucked into the vortex of death I see that we men have nothing that we can do in this whirlpool except find another creature that will share the hopelessness .
10 Particularly important were his decision to tie Germany into the Atlantic Alliance externally and his demonstration that the ‘ social market economy ’ could work internally. : both policies had eventually been accepted by the SPD opposition , thus providing a fundamental consensus between the major parties regarding the shape of West Germany .
11 In any case , when someone gossips well they are called a wit or a conversationalist ; only those who gossip badly are tarred with the appellation ‘ Gossip ’ .
12 An additional £74,000 has since been transferred to the Trust , making a magnificent total of over £380,000 generated by the affinity scheme in only six months .
13 A huge area has since been cleared for the construction of flyovers , underpasses , multi-lane carriageways and slip roads , with forlorn office blocks and high rise flats standing around them , either waiting to be demolished or recently erected .
14 This has since been refined with the issue of the revised Capricode ( DHSS , 1986 ) manual in 1986 .
15 The point has since been confirmed by the House of Lords .
16 Significant finds have since been made in the Urals and South Africa .
17 A President and a Council of Ministers were installed , but effective political power has since been exercised by the leadership of the sole legal political organization , the Lao People 's Revolutionary Party ( LPRP ) .
18 He was within 18 months of retirement and has since been elected to the UK Central Council for Nursing , the profession 's regulatory body .
19 Some of the report 's recommendations have since been implemented by the Hong Kong authorities but AI continues to call for each asylum-seeker to receive legal advice at all stages of the process and to receive an oral hearing when appealing against refusal of refugee status .
20 A strong lobby within the Labour Party was urging more open government and greater access to official information on the lines of the Freedom of Information Act which has since been implemented in the United States .
21 Those directors have since been ousted from the board .
22 A wide variety of other commercial and industrial organisations has since been attracted to the country , not least because of its central location and excellent transport links with the rest of the country .
23 Intended as a critique of contemporary English society , Utopia has since been claimed as the work of ‘ the first socialist ’ .
24 An aeroplane taking 22 men of the Special Air Service Regiment in June 1944 to be dropped behind the German lines to join the Maquis was recalled on account of bad weather , crashed somewhere in the wooded area near Dijon and no trace has since been found of the plane and its company .
25 Many of the goats described in the 30 or so scientific studies that have since been published on the phenomenon ( the earliest in 1904 ) can be traced to those bred and cared for by Mayberry .
26 The special edition of the journal had long since been published by the time I got the material out of Iraq . )
27 The last of the modern illuminated cars is a frigate , based originally on H.M.S. Blackpool , which has since been sold to the New Zealand navy !
28 A discipline has since been founded on the idea that human behaviour is genetically controlled , a hybrid of sociology and biology called sociobiology .
29 No plane like it has since been used by the public .
30 Vasari recorded it in situ in his biography of Cosimo Roselli , but the work has since been attributed to the Master of the Fiesole ‘ Epiphany ’ , a follower of Domenico Ghirlandaio .
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