Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] into the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 That 's the motto of an 82-year-old North Yorkshire woman who 's just been accepted into the Writers Guild .
2 Microsoft Corp 's New Technology operating system , expected to go into beta test this month now not be put into the hands of end users until July , Bill Gates told information systems managers and journalists at a computing debate in London last week .
3 Dennett ( see below ) has in recent publications emphasized the relative emptiness of the contents of consciousness : all that is not there and which , for much of the workings of our bodies , can not be brought into the contents of consciousness .
4 A binary number can easily be coded into the bars by using narrow bands for Os and wide bands of 1s ( or vice versa ) .
5 Much of what Freud said has still not really been assimilated into the ways in which doctors and nurses , teachers , magistrates and judges , clergy and bishops speak and act .
6 One , is there not a way in which your good tool could be perverted , and two , since this tool must inevitably be given into the hands of the people you despise for their aggressiveness and bad inheritance and rearing , how do you expect them to use it ?
7 Studies are now being conducted into the habits of the maleo but so far ornithologists have added little since Wallace 's day to our knowledge of the bird .
8 It looks not so much as if women are passively being forced into the arts and rejecting science , but that they are making very clear choices .
9 The presence of a significant number of such pupils in the ‘ integrated ’ schools would ensure that the manner and style of those places would change : there would be no risk of new pupils simply being absorbed into the mores of the upper classes , or of a repetition of the kind of conflict from which a working-class minority had suffered in grammar schools .
10 But this would undoubtedly be playing into the hands of the enemy at the present nine .
11 The immediate suspects of the murder were a local man and his son ; but both these men could not have had stronger alibis , for the father was in hospital after having an operation on his hip bone , while his son had three days previously been called into the Forces .
12 Articles 34–38 specify no exceptions to the pacta tertiis rule ; such exceptions must either be fitted into the Articles or they must be accepted as prescribing only the general framework of the law .
13 The 36% of the thesis information not published included unclear results , negative results , or information which could neither be slotted into the papers nor aggregated to make a whole paper .
14 The 36% of the thesis information not published included unclear results , negative results , or information which could neither be slotted into the papers nor aggregated to make a whole paper .
15 To do otherwise is to play into the hands of the facadists and myth-makers .
16 Clearly , combined earnings of more than £2 a week must have quite commonly been brought into the households of mule spinners , while £2.50 would hardly have been exceptional .
17 One effective solution to this has been to identify elements of maintenance that can safely be put into the hands of the users .
18 But I shall certainly be looking into the circumstances of the provider who has written to me .
19 A spokesman for Durham County Council 's Trading Standards department said : ‘ This sounds like a very worrying incident and we will certainly be looking into the circumstances surrounding it . ’
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