Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This has since been employed in the wide variety of commercial designs that have arrived following the introduction of the Hawaiian ; but for a simple and long-standing development one need look no further than Top of The Line 's own ‘ Spin-Off ’ .
2 In the meantime , all the genuine members who 've stayed on are livin' in the tented village they 've set up in the grounds , around the burned out house .
3 This belief has only been strengthened in the post-war period when indeed the division of Europe and the division of Germany were in fact physically the same thing .
4 A. palmeri has only been found in the tropical western Atlantic in comparatively shallow water .
5 The secret of Spanish stagnation had long been sought in the excessive size of the ‘ unproductive classes ’ , from grandees down to vagrant schoolmasters .
6 The best known coral fisheries are those which have long been conducted in the warm waters of the west Mediterranean between North Africa and Italy , and around Malaysia and Japan .
7 It had long been used in the Middle East and , in Europe , was employed in areas subject to Moorish influence like Spain , Sicily and even Provence .
8 Nor is it an easy pink to obtain : in order that pink light should frame the shape of the little opera house and its windows all glow pink , 2,000 light bulbs were removed and replaced with others which workaday electricians ' pink not being the thing at all — had all been painted in the requisite shade by hand .
9 Jonathan Davies , John Devereux , Paul Moriarty and Adrian Hadley have all been selected in the Welsh squad announced today to face the old enemy on Friday , November 27 , at Swansea 's Vetch Field .
10 An integrated OED , i.e. a version in which the Supplement material has all been inserted in the correct places and any alterations to the text of the OED required by the wording of the Supplement have been made .
11 The following were subsidiary and associated undertakings at the end of the year and have all been included in the consolidated accounts .
12 It is like poetry : some people do not believe in its existence at all , others argue over whether certain arrangements of words are poetry or not : these zodiacs are as it were topographical poems , a poetic geography akin to legendary history , Like legends , with which they often link up , these poems in the landscape give an identity to a place , a personality which may especially be lacking in the urban wasteland of an area like the suburbs of London , so that the place is no longer just somewhere in the middle of nowhere that could be anywhere .
13 In the main , notices to be given under the Act can only be given in the prescribed form ( see the Landlord and Tenant 1954 Part II ( Notices ) ( Amendment ) Regulations 1989 ) .
14 No appeal lies against decisions of the Supervisory Authority and its decisions may only be scrutinized in the ordinary course of justice if they relate to the suspension of quotation of securities at the stock exchange .
15 He can only be placed in the lying position for effective treatment purposes when he can balance well enough to be taken through this pattern of movements without increasing his spasticity .
16 The second argument is put forcefully by Firestone when she argues that the sexual repression Freud describes and the adoption of parent ( especially father ) figures by children which they carry through into later life can only be seen in the social context of oppressive patriarchal relations in the home .
17 The animals can now only be seen in the dwindling open fields of the new territories .
18 However , at this time of night most people would be asleep , and a response would only be felt in the cold light of day .
19 This meant that the smog problem could only be solved in the short term if the Los Angeles County restricted motor vehicle use .
20 Under section 14(1) of the Act of 1988a vessel could only be entered in the new register if it was British-owned and managed and its operations were directed and controlled from within the United Kingdom , and if any charterer , manager or operator of the vessel was a qualified person or company .
21 In my judgment , though the introduction of further admissible material will inevitably involve some increase in the use of time , this will not be significant as long as courts insist that Parliamentary material should only be introduced in the limited cases I have mentioned and where such material contains a clear indication from the minister of the mischief aimed at , or the nature of the cure intended , by the legislation .
22 If it had become axiomatic that the author ( or ‘ scriptor ’ in Ricardou 's terminology ) had become decentred and that the novel could not represent any psychological or social reality , then the origins of a text could only be found in the self-generating aspect of language itself .
23 Reasons can only be found in the unique significance of human life and in the need to mark out , and to prevent , conduct which causes its loss .
24 This does not mean , of course , that his voice should necessarily be used in the actual recording of the material .
25 The cereals grown would have formed the staple of the diet , with wheat , barley , oats and rye all being represented in the archaeological and historical records .
26 Nothing is barred in the crime novel , however much was barred in the old days of the detective story when , for instance , sexual relations often seemed confined to one person expressing just the discreetest interest in another .
27 Persistent infection with adenovirus 12 has not been detected in the small bowel of patients with coeliac disease .
28 This method of examining the data has not been employed in the previous studies because no attempt had been made in those studies to be representative in the sampling of direction of turn at each junction ( see Table 4.2 ) .
29 The Commissioners take considerable trouble to ensure that all relevant arguments are canvassed in the written case , and will invite observations on issues which appear to be relevant and which have not been raised in the written case .
30 Parliament granted a tax of a sixteenth , and in return it was promised that the perambulations of Edward I should be confirmed , and that new perambulations should be made before Christmas in the forests where they had not been made in the previous reign .
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