Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] by the " in BNC.

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1 It seems probable that all of this could not have come about had not the superego emerged as a continuation of a trend of evolutionary development which had long since been embarked upon by the ego proper .
2 Though total equality might be hard to achieve because of the biological differences between the sexes , the legislation has perhaps been rounded of by the Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986 .
3 Yet , when any mistake or misjudgement could not only be pounced upon by the press and magnified as an indication of bureaucratic muddle or high-handedness , but also lead in extreme cases to job loss or imprisonment , the instinct for self-preservation by secrecy and tight central control was understandably strengthened .
4 As indicated at the beginning of this article sales must not only be paid for by the buyer but the funds must be received quickly by the exporter and the banks are very much involved at this stage through : —
5 Another agency may therefore apply for an EPO if it disagrees with the recommendation of the case conference or that recommendation has not been acted upon by the local authority .
6 I was just wondering , would you have imposed these very high home care charges if you 'd not been forced to by the cuts imposed by the Poll Tax capping .
7 ‘ This aggression has not been dealt with by the United Nations .
8 Later , when they had not been paid for by the defendant , the plaintiff brought an action for payment of the sum due against the defendant .
9 The result was that a constituent of mine — and no doubt many hundreds of others who have just been referred to by the Minister as being included in the 1,200 people who received grants — was short changed and not given the full amount .
10 Unfortunately Freud 's evidence for his propositions was somewhat indirect , being derived from the ‘ memories ’ of adult patients , whose difficulties and characteristics he believed could best be accounted for by the libidinal theory .
11 The documents will normally be referred to by the vendor in its disclosures against the warranties .
12 Jane Bywaters , who has been responsible for much of the exhibition , said : ‘ We need to give people information so that they can make up their own minds about food and not be dictated to by the media and media events . ’
13 The court took the view that since the contract was formed at the reception desk , the notice in the bedroom did not form part of the contract , thus it could not be relied upon by the hotel as excluding liability .
14 Similarly , an exclusion clause in the contract between the retailer and the consumer could not be relied upon by the manufacturer .
15 Some members of the Committee moved that the school stay open , on the grounds that short-term financial gain would not be compensated for by the long-term loss to the community .
16 ‘ There is nothing that can not be coped with by the co-operation of captains and the vigilance of the umpires .
17 Up to 1980 the supplementary benefit regulations permitted claimants in residential homes who could not be catered for by the local authority an amount sufficient to meet reasonable board and lodging charges in the area .
18 Despite Government counter-claims that this increase is due to 1986 changes in definitions of accidents from minor to major and fatal categories , all the increases can not be accounted for by the redefinition .
19 Importantly , the difference in concordance rates could not be accounted for by the different concordance rates for alcoholism alone .
20 If a large increase could not be paid for by the National Coal Board then the government should meet it .
21 File management systems can and should be directed to ensuring that no work is done that will not be paid for by the Legal Aid Board .
22 Although these figures suggest some recent increase , as des Forges and Harber record only about 40 for the period 1950 to 1960 , this would easily be accounted for by the great increase in regular observations at the coast .
23 Er and that did underline er we feel at the moment that we 're not being listened to by the , how important it would be , it is , erm if there 's to be any kind of inter village ,
24 ( e ) Support for children away from home Local authorities have a duty to protect the welfare of any child in need within their area who is living apart from his family but is not being looked after by the authority ( Sched 2 , para 10 ) .
25 You 're not being talked to by the mainstream now , but by us who you grew up with .
26 Meeting Steve the stamp man from Surbiton or Billy from the back of beyond or travelling around attending street parties and generally being gawped at by the Press and the populace is not my idea of whooping it up .
27 The Albanians of Yugoslavia ( not only those in Kosovo but also elsewhere , especially in Macedonia ) consider themselves to be an oppressed people , who have always been discriminated against by the Serbs , whether under the monarchy or under communist rule .
28 Baynton v. Morgan shows , amongst other things , that this last contention may not always be relied on by the lessee ; and accordingly the position of the defendant is not put otherwise than favourably to himself if it is said that the measure of his liability here , that of a lessee after an assignment , is the performance or non-performance of the covenants in question by his assignees when he can not and does not aver any performance by himself .
29 The other child is still being looked after by the parents who took her home .
30 Baby Two is still being looked after by the parents who took it home .
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