Example sentences of "[pron] should [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As agreed , he swung a punch to my chin so that I should rise in an elegant arc of slow motion to fall sprawled in a dramatic contortion on the bar room floor .
2 The overflow itself should discharge in an obvious place where it can not be ignored .
3 Well you should go in the front room cos I 've got the test papers to write .
4 Similarly , you should react in a sensible manner .
5 I am not suggesting that you should collapse in a soggy heap if you bang your head or shut your finger in the door ; but suppressing tears when you are really unhappy is suppressing the grief itself and this can be harmful in several ways :
6 It is one matter being told you should deal in a different way with the person you dislike or despise , yet another to know what to do with strong emotions you experience in relation to these people .
7 Maybe she should invest in a few more elaborate bio-amendments .
8 Chen looked past Axel momentarily , lifting his chin , indicating to Wang Ti that she should wait in the other room , then he looked back at Axel , his face creased with concern , his voice suddenly softer , more sympathetic .
9 Seneca wrote that ‘ when we want to reach a city or marketplace , we watch where the people are going and we follow them ; but in life we should watch where they go and then we should go in the opposite direction . ’
10 The Lord 's Prayer teaches us that we should forgive in the same measure we have been forgiven .
11 I , on the other hand , he wrote , have always held that precisely because there is no discernable principle of order in the universe or in our lives we should live in the greatest possible self-created order .
12 Okay and that sh we should have in the next day or two .
13 Examples of these unwritten rules are that parents should play with their children , or that one should respond in the appropriate manner to a ‘ good morning ’ greeting .
14 They should go in a separate room for the exams though .
15 they should meet in a neutral situation .
16 I do think , however , that there are still prevalent many gross misconceptions of what universities do and what they should do in the modern age : and it may be that some of these misconceptions still drift about the corridors of the Department .
17 Where students esteem that there is better provision to be found in , for example , a local Tertiary College , they will vote with their feet and the argument that they should remain in a Catholic Sixth Form , solely because it is Catholic , holds little sway .
18 Chandler , on the other hand , used them and delighted in them , and because of this a tradition has grown up that they should appear in every private-eye tale .
19 There were illustrations of the most outrageous holes on island greens with bunkers sculptured like jaws , and other features wholly inappropriate to golf and which looked like they should belong in a modern art gallery .
20 It should result in a clear statement of that practice area 's intended position in the marketplace and how it can differentiate itself from its competitors .
21 reaffirmed the high landscape value of the appeal site and its determination that it should remain in the Green Belt .
22 A healthy aura is rather like a filter , allowing only that which is beneficial to affect us ; this is what it should achieve in a well-balanced person .
23 It would enclose within it , a traditional economic development strategy for the work this Committee 's helping , but it should look in a wider issue , and seek to influence wider , wider things that happen within the county .
24 For he does not allow that there can be someone who genuinely asks himself what he should do in a moral way , but whose answer is in terms of what is only one of various logically coherent moralities .
25 Medical advice suggested he should live in a drier and sunnier climate — so he did .
26 Before moving on to the more advanced aspects of wave riding let us consider what should happen in the first attempts .
27 We can now examine what should happen in the alternative situations outlined above .
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