Example sentences of "[pron] give a [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Well I 'm delighted to see so many of you have taken the trouble to come and join us today for yet another annual public meeting and in welcoming you can I give a particular welcome to our new chairman Mike Betts , thank him very much indeed for joining us .
2 I give a general welcome to the Bill .
3 I give a blank agenda to the supervisor and say ‘ Have a team meeting with your own team , and see what problems you 've had or experienced . ’
4 Before leaving , I gave a spare key to Lisabeth and an envelope with Jo 's two hundred quid for her to give to Mr Nassim .
5 The companies publish information leaflets which give a rough guide to whether you are likely to benefit from having a meter and will tell you whether one is possible for your house .
6 In elaborating such proposals there is admittedly a strong temptation to indulge in political rationalism : they are by nature proposals which give an important role to action on the part of a ‘ socialist government ’ or the ‘ state ’ within which a socialist government is installed , yet it is often unclear what such a socialist government would look like , how it might come into being and from where it would draw its mass support .
7 Density might have remained the most accepted form of classification but for three developments in the 1970s which gave a great impetus to the classification of rural populations into different typologies or groupings :
8 The engine compartment had to be outside the cockpit for acoustic and thermal insulation so we introduced a vertical backlight for good rear visibility and blended it into the fins sloping down from the roof , which gave a certain lightness to the rear pillars , This solution has become a constant feature on all Pininfarina Ferraris up to the Testarossa .
9 This is clearly illustrated by Mustill LJ 's approach in Rogers v Parish ( 1987 ) ( discussed above ) which gave a wide scope to s14(6) by bringing in defects that are , comparatively speaking , minor ones .
10 Secondly , the interest rate cartel before 1983 set rates which gave a reasonable return to most societies and inevitably therefore to some who were comparatively inefficient .
11 Far to the west , however , a change had taken place which gave a new twist to relations between the Great Powers .
12 By the middle of the decade , they had formulated their auteur theory , which gave a new gloss to film studies .
13 They and the popular movement have their roots in both the growth of nationalist fervour in the late 1960s and early 1970s , which parallelled the growth of anti-colonial and ‘ Third World ’ nationalist movements elsewhere , and in the call from the leadership of the Catholic church during the same period for ‘ a preferential option for the poor ’ which gave a new focus to the efforts of church organizations in this predominantly Catholic country .
14 In the fourth quarter of 1992 , the economy grew at an annual rate of 4.7% , which gave a roseate glow to Bill Clinton 's first few weeks in office but always looked too good to last .
15 Dalton in the opening years of the nineteenth century introduced the atomic theory , which gave a theoretical background to the ideas of definite proportions : if definite numbers of atoms of each element combine , then the total weights combining must also be definite .
16 More than one in 10 are now on the dole but the green shoots of recovery are showing through which gave a welcome boost to prices .
17 This was SkottiS , Scottish-Icelandic Cultural Days 1993 , in Reykjavik for the last three weeks , as a follow-up to last summer 's Breaking the Ice festival which gave a Scottish showcase to Icelandic culture .
18 Here a narrow gully gave a long , powdery glissade almost to the shores of the frozen lock , which gave an easy highway to within five minutes of our night 's accommodation .
19 All this yields a shareholder 's equity of $938m ( about 86% of total assets ) which gives a low debt to equity ratio of 17% .
20 The roof of the carriage projects six inches over the body , and rises in the form of a dome towards the centre , where a ventilating apparatus is fixed , surmounted by a colossal gilt crown , which gives a striking finish to the exterior design .
21 Raised path leads to a picturesque seat , which gives a focal point to the garden , and a well-deserved rest for you
22 ( With up to 16Mb of Extended memory , a large database can be entirely memory-resident , which gives a significant boost to performance on tasks such as sort/select and reporting . )
23 They 've turned it from a Council that was determined to tackle the social deprivation in this city , was determined to tackle the disadvantaged , such as racial disadvantaged , by supporting the C T C , which gives a unique opportunity to Asian children in this city for education .
24 At Gailey in Staffordshire , an unusually rich flora emerged in gravel workings abandoned in the 1960s , relics from the fen from which the place took its name , which comes from the Anglo-Saxon ‘ gagol leah ’ , the clearing in the gale , or bog myrtle , that aromatic wetland shrub which gives an extra tang to home-made gin .
25 In every chord there is some foreign element , some contradiction which gives an odd twist to the harmony .
26 It is a common leftist belief that poetry is an ‘ élitist ’ mode , precisely because of the cultural literacy it presupposes , which gives an unfair advantage to students from middle-class homes with books .
27 The first rests upon section 8(2) of the Act of 1986 which I have already cited , and which gives an extended meaning to the concept of membership for the purposes of the Act of 1986 .
28 His own trade included the quick memorising of landscape and cityscape and at one corner there was an L-shaped alley that cut off the building on the corner itself giving an alternative route to making a left turn on the streets .
29 SOON after leaving hospital following an urgent operation for cancer of the stomach I read about the ordeal of Dr Nigel Cox who gave a lethal injection to a suffering patient .
30 Those who gave a positive answer to the question of universality seem to have arrived at their position through the following sequence of essentially functionalist propositions :
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